
Showing posts from March, 2013

objective c - How to get the country name from the SDK ? - iOS - sdk provides following details : card number, expirymonth, year, cvv , postal code. how country name sdk. - (void)userdidprovidecreditcardinfo:(cardiocreditcardinfo *)info inpaymentviewcontroller:(cardiopaymentviewcontroller *)paymentviewcontroller { nslog(@"scan succeeded info: %@", info); } is there way country name sdk? please note using objective-c. dave here. no, sdk not ask user enter country (and, of course, country not available scanning front of credit card). re postal code: if when create cardiopaymentviewcontroller set collectpostalcode property yes , user prompted enter postal code.

linux - Periodically getting output of a bash command in Python -

i writing gui wrapper bash command in python. when bash command run, first 3-4 lines constant, , last line overwritten display progress in textual format. want convert progress progress bar python based gui. how retrieve progress of bash command periodically? other similar answers retrieve first few constant lines, fail fetch last line periodically changing. if reading input using process.stdout.readline() won't fetch progress until entire line printed stdout. instead can read stdout streaming character character given below import subprocess import sys process = subprocess.popen("ls", stdout=subprocess.pipe) c in iter(lambda:, ''): sys.stdout.write(c)

php - Google Captcha not displaying in GoDaddy secure (https) -

i'm having issue google's recaptcha not appear in https website , wondering if else here has encountered/is encountering same issue , has found way around it. in test environment (localhost), appears fine , able send , receive forms. however, upon uploading godaddy hosted secure website, recaptcha image/div not appear , haven't slightest idea why. please help. below parts of code (that worked in localhost): inside "head" tags <script src=''></script> inside "body" recaptcha appears: <div class="contact_text"> <div class="g-recaptcha" id="googlecaptcha" data-sitekey="sitekeyplaceholder"></div> <?php echo "<p class='text-danger col-xs-offset-6 col-xs-6'>$errcaptcha</p>";?> </div> then "php" part: $captcha = $_post['g-recaptcha-response']; $

using "foreach" for running different classifiers in R -

i trying use foreach run different classifiers on data, doesn't work. in fact doesn't return me anything. purpose parallelize process. here simplified of code: library(foreach) library(doparallel) no_cores <- detectcores() - 1 cl<-makecluster(no_cores) registerdoparallel(cl) registerdoparallel(no_cores) model_list<-foreach(i = 1:2, .combine = c,.packages=c("e1071","randomeforest")) %dopar% if (i==1){ model1<-svm(x = x,y = as.factor(y),type = "c-classification",probability = t) } if (i==2){ mode2<-randomforest(x = x,y = as.factor(y), ntree=100, norm.votes=false,importance = t) } my way of parallelizing correct overall? indeed. the main problem you're not enclosing body of foreach loop in curly braces. because %dopar% binary operator, have careful precedence, why recommend using curly braces. also, shouldn't use c combine function. since svm , randomforest return object

javascript - RegExp to get src form url -

i have string: <img class="ui mini avatar image" src=""> facebook like this, how can ghet url string? part if use jquery, can this: var sourceurl = $('.image').attr('src'); // here i'm accessing class name.

java - JavaFx:What if I want to do something after initialize(),before the scene show,how can I achieve this? -

i want ,after controller's initialize() method done,but before scene there method invoked before scene show?i want put code method. fxmlloader loader = new fxmlloader(); loader.setlocation(getclass().getresource("sample.fxml")); anchorpane pane = loader.load(); scene gamescene = new scene(pane); //i load secne above,the controller,set properties,then,use properties read file before secene show. gameuicontroller controller = loader.getcontroller(); controller.setgamefileloacation("game1.txt");//i set property here.i want use read game file,and load game,set necessary ui. primarystage.setscene(gamescene);//this tow statement show scene.; i can't put code initialize() method,because invoked when fxml file loads(when not yet controller).so,how can do? thanks verymuch ! one solution find primarystage.addeventhandler(windowevent.window_showing, new eventhandler<windowevent>() { @override

python - When appending dictionary to a list, dict. not on a new line each time -

i have function pushes dictionary created function, list. problem i'm having code multiple pushes not show in list each in new line. i've tried many ways, none have given me desired results. this line pushes created dictionary: database.xoomdatabase.append(ordenorganiz) this function creates dictionary: def orderzoom(self): nombre = contents1 nicenum = orderresult email = contents2 num = contents3 fechaentrega = contents5 global ordenorganiz ordenorganiz = {"num orden": nicenum, "nombre": nombre, "email": email, "num tel/cel": num, "fecha de entrega": fechaentrega} return ordenorganiz any ideas on getting done? sounds problem not inserts rather "pretty print" want apply, check out following example uses json.dumps : import json ordeno

javascript - I need to check for equality with a switch statement -

i'm writing hot or cold app. , need switch statement decide whether user hot or cold. here's code far: switch(true) { case (userguess / secretnumber === 1): setfeedback("you win"); finish = true; break; case ((userguess - secretnumber) > 50): setfeedback("you're ice cold!"); break; case ((userguess - secretnumber) > 30): setfeedback("you're cold!"); break; case ((userguess - secretnumber) > 20): setfeedback("you're warm!"); break; case ((userguess - secretnumber) > 10): setfeedback("you're hot!"); break; case ((userguess - secretnumber) > 0): setfeedback("you're blazing hot!"); break; } edit: i'm trying

Javascript can't get width of object image -

i have following code var inputlocalfont = document.getelementbyid("image-input"); inputlocalfont.addeventlistener("change",previewimages,false); function previewimages(){ var filelist = this.files; var anywindow = window.url || window.webkiturl; for(var = 0; < filelist.length; i++){ var objecturl = anywindow.createobjecturl(filelist[i]); $('.preview-area').append('<img class="resizeme" id="myimage" height="150" src="' + objecturl + '" + title="' + filelist[i].name + ' ( ' + filelist[i] + ' "/>'); window.url.revokeobjecturl(filelist[i]); } } i can image name title code filelist[i].name but when try add width , height in title image adding code filelist[i].width filelist[i].height it's give " undefined " result try using fileli

android - Reverse GeoCoordinate Class gives Location Not found error -

i m using google reverse geocoding api in app, m succussfully able get coordinate using google geolocation api. m trying location name reverse geocoding api , returns location not found error here code: geocoder geocoder= new geocoder(mainactivity.this, locale.english); if(geocoder.ispresent()){ list<address> list; try { list = geocoder.getfromlocation(37.42279, -122.08506,1); address address = list.get(0); log.d("this working","thsi sis working"); stringbuffer str = new stringbuffer(); str.append("name: " + address.getlocality() + "\n"); str.append("sub-admin ares: " + address.getsubadminarea() + "\n"); str.append("admin area: " + address.getadminarea() + "\n"); str.append("country: " + address.getcountryname() + "\n"); str.append("country code: " +

c# - Process ID of RDP File -

i trying process id of .rdp file opened process , kill button1_click visual studio throws error process id doesn't exit. checked taskbar , rdp file has different process id , not 1 captured following code. if call mstc.exe, works fine , able kill process without error. can me this. private void button1_click(object sender, eventargs e) { pids.clear(); process myprocess = new process(); myprocess.startinfo.filename = "c:\\rdp\\remotein.rdp"; //notepad.startinfo.filename = "mstsc.exe"; myprocess.start(); pids.add(myprocess); } private void terminateall() { foreach (var in pids) { // process p = process.getcurrentprocess(); i.kill(); } } private void button2_click(object sender, eventargs e) { terminateall(); } when start non exe file via process class use shellexecute function lookup handler file indireclty launch process. fortunatly mstsc.

ios - Obj-C creating a battle scene? -

this has been problem me week figured i'd post here help. i'm still learning obj-c bear me. ill post code explain i'm trying do: - (void) resetstats { self.herohplabel.text = [nsstring stringwithformat:@"0"]; self.heroatklabel.text = [nsstring stringwithformat:@"0"]; self.herodeflabel.text = [nsstring stringwithformat:@"0"]; self.herospdlabel.text = [nsstring stringwithformat:@"0"]; self.enemyhplabel.text = [nsstring stringwithformat:@"0"]; self.enemyatklabel.text = [nsstring stringwithformat:@"0"]; self.enemydeflabel.text = [nsstring stringwithformat:@"0"]; self.enemyspdlabel.text = [nsstring stringwithformat:@"0"]; } - (void) setherostats { self.herohplabel.text = [nsstring stringwithformat:@"%i", herohp]; self.heroatklabel.text = [nsstring stringwithformat:@"%i", heroatk]; self.herodeflabel.text = [nsstring stringwithformat:@"%i", herodef]; self.herospdlab

javascript - jquery + coffeescript search box that hides list elements -

i trying create search box hides ul , li elements depending on text. $(document).ready -> $('input#barcode').on "keyup", -> search = $(this).val() $('li.barcode').each -> $(this).parent().fadeout('fast') unless $(this).text().indexof search == 0 i want know how use fat arrows (=>) make code better. i've fixed it!! $(document).ready -> $('#barcode').on "keyup", -> search = $(@).val() $('.barcode').each -> $(@).parent().fadeout('fast') unless $(@).text().indexof(search) == 0 i still don't know how use fat arrows. , think make code nicer. can me it? if understand documention , know how/why use fat arrow . and can try: $ -> $('#barcode').on "keyup", -> search = $(@).val() $('.barcode').each -> $(@).parent().fadeout('fast') unless $

r - Shiny and ggplot - error when using both scale_x_ and scale_y_continuous -

background: odd one. essentially, working on shiny app people can pull csv export off particular website, upload , interactive it. because numbers large (millions) defaults scientific notation, isn't easy on eye, i'm trying use "labels = comma" correct this. issue: when have both scale_x_cont , scale_y_cont in ggplot function, app crashes. when have x or y in there, runs fine. now tried write smallest reproducible piece of code could, when made simple 1 using mtcars , same selectinput method, ran fine, no errors both scale_x_cont , scale_y_cont in place... error error in eval(substitute(expr), envir, enclos) : geom_point requires following missing aesthetics: x, y error: geom_point requires following missing aesthetics: x, y minimal csv replicate with app require(shiny) require(dt) require(ggplot2) require(scales) runapp( list( ui = fluidpage( sidebarpanel(fileinpu

javascript - Trying to send an email with js/php. Says success but no email sends -

this question has answer here: php mail function doesn't complete sending of e-mail 22 answers i have stared @ thing long enough figured time post question this. have code taken samples when fill form out , click send says success no email ever gets sent mailbox. javascript $(function() { $("input,textarea").jqbootstrapvalidation({ preventsubmit: true, submiterror: function($form, event, errors) { // additional error messages or events }, submitsuccess: function($form, event) { event.preventdefault(); // prevent default submit behaviour // values form var name = $("input#name").val(); var email = $("input#email").val(); var phone = $("input#phone").val(); var message = $("textarea#message").val(); var firstname = name; // success

javascript - jQuery JSON array conversion -

i trying convert ['peter', 'pan','michael','peter','pan'] [{'peter':2},{'pan':2},{'michael':1}] counts number of time name appears, print out. but names[name] = 0; doesn't work, neither names[name] = names[name] + 1; var data = ['peter', 'pan','michael','peter','pan']; // create temporary mapping holder. var tmp = {}; (var ii=0; ii < data.length; ii++) { // set key 0 if doesn't exist. if (!(tmp[data[ii]])) { tmp[data[ii]] = 0; } tmp[data[ii]] ++; } // create output array. var output = []; (var key in tmp) { var pobj = {}; pobj[key] = tmp[key]; output.push(pobj); } you can in single loop, thought might easier understand breaking up.

sqlite3 - Retrieve value from a fetchone() call in python 3 -

i new python , can not find answer question anywhere. unless don't understand answers given. have database cursor , execute command: cmd = 'select value measurement measurement_location ?' crs.execute(cmd, [location_id]) print(crs.fetchone()) which prints: {'value': 73.97486139568466} i need use float 73.97.... in calculations compute average. problem can't figure out how pull float fetchone() return. fetchone returning dictionary each row mapping field name in result (only value in example) value row. use can do cmd = 'select value measurement measurement_location ?' crs.execute(cmd, [location_id]) row = crs.fetchone() print(row['value']) print(row['value'] * 100) or whatever other things want result

php - w3wp.exe memory usage remains high after making web service calls -

i have set 1 server php application , .asmx web service application. my php application makes frequent calls web service functions inside .asmx file. in turn retrieve data database used in php application. here php code: public function callservice($file, $web_service, $parameters){ if(defined("web_services_path")){ try{ $wsdl = web_services_path.$file."?wsdl"; $client = new soapclient ($wsdl, array('cache_wsdl' => wsdl_cache_none) ); $result = $client->{$web_service}($parameters)->{$web_service."result"}; return $result; } catch(exception $e){ //handle error } } } i noticed in instances web service calls cause w3wp process chew lot of memory. in instances, process start of @ around 80,000kb grow around 800,000kb furthermore, process seems linger @ around 800,000kb unless kill or restart iis. i have 2 questions th

javascript - RequireJS local var not matching -

can explain why might case? i in requirejs module has 0 dependencies. trying create singleton represents view state, avoid global variable. reason getter trying retrieve property view var not matching. there way explain going on in image? view defined, , viewname value defined, it's somehow not picking view.mainview. it looks you're trying check if view[viewname] defined on view , you're checking see if view[viewname] has truth-y value. try this: if(viewname in view) { view[viewname] = $view; } else { throw new error('no view matched'); }

tomcat - Refreshing static content with Boot -

i use spring boot gradle , netbeans. a part of build.gradle. dependencies { compile("org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-data-jpa") compile("org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-jdbc") compile("org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web") runtime("mysql:mysql-connector-java") testcompile("org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-test") } in resources folder have, static folder contain css (folder) js (folder) html tomcatembedded started autommatically script. when modified css, js or html, change not took in consideration. need stop gradle script , run again. is there setup able hotswap code? make sure use gradle "bootrun" task, not "run". bootrun allow reloading.

sql - postgresql run multiple select statements with different columns in single query -

i have 14 queries, such as select activities.type, sum(activity_fees.amount) activity_fees inner join activities on activity_fees.activity_id = date(activities.due_at) = current_date - interval '1 day' group activities.type select avg(activities.rating) fellows inner join auth on a.a_id = inner join activities on activities.fellow_id = f.type in ('x', 'y', 'z') , auth.deactivated = false , date(activities.due_at) = current_date - interval '1 day' , activities.rating not null i trying run queries @ once using gui. union , union can used when no of columns same in queries? when using toad run sql queries if include delimiter such ; i not sure how can done in postgresql? thank you. just pad columns don't have , union. instance: select activities.type, sum(activity_fees.amount) ... union select 'dummy', avg(activities.rating) .... or include activities.type since hav

c# - Stuck in fetching Tokens from ebay -

using c# mvc 5. problem occuring after hosting app in iis 8. when view page loads, loads anchor(get token) redirects ebay sign in page runame , session name(runame & sessionid loaded in controller , passed via viewbag , bound anchor tag click event). in controller: apicontext.signinurl = "" + apicontext.runame + "&sessid=" + _sessionid; viewbag.sign = apicontext.signinurl; viewbag.sessionid = _sessionid; in view : $("#ebaysignin").click(function () { var childurl = "@viewbag.sign"; sessionid = "@viewbag.sessionid"; alert(sessionid); var timer = setinterval(checkchild, 500); var isclosed = false; function checkchild() { if (child.closed) { clearinterval(timer); var url = '@url.action("accebayfinalreturn", "settings")';

node.js - How to properly debug the response lifecyle in Sails.js? -

using sails.js got these controller methods perform db requests , use promises. problem they're working when request performed 504 obtained @ client side. i want make sure implementation , 504 not problem in sails/node coding nginx or else. set log mode silly in config/logs.js can't see everytime response.send invoked. both methods bellow present such issue (maybe coincidence) first method happening sometimes. method 1 addplayer: function (request,response) { console.log("add player"); var lineupid =; var receivedplayer = request.param('player'); var playerid =; var bench = receivedplayer.bench; var place =; lineup.findone().where({id: lineupid}).then(function (foundlineup) { var player = player.findone().where({id: playerid}).then(function (player) { console.log("found player _id " +; return player; }); return [foundlineup,player]; }).spread(funct

javascript - Organization chart - tree, online, dynamic, collapsible, pictures - in D3 -

i noob in web-development. i'm trying create tree-like hierarchical company org chart. tried both google's visualization chart , mike bostock's d3 reingold tree . i want these features : tree structure : either top-down ( google ) or left-right ( d3 ) online/dynamic : viewable in browser , able read data json (both google & d3 ), not static visio or ppt diagram collapsible : able hide subtrees (both) space-adjusting : nodes should fill visible area, reduce scrolling (only d3 ) attributes : display name, title & possibly picture (only google ) above i've marked tool allows features, afaik. i prefer d3 version because looks cool. can modify .json include additional fields (title, url photo etc.) - here sample my question - how modify d3 code display employee's name, title in next line, , maybe picture ? or if that's not feasible - how modify google code automatically adjust spacing, children of node close together, , don't ha

javascript - data.key is undefined: how to parse json data -

i want draw rectangles in proportion size of cities. keep getting stuck parsing data. can take out keys of data, when use keys doing data.key gives me "undefined". think problem lays in fact keys strings, because works fine. how can solve problem? var current = "amsterdam" var g ="body") .append("svg:svg") .attr("width", 1000) .attr("height", 1000) .append("svg:g"); d3.json("data_2014.json", function (error, data) { (var key in data) { console.log(data.key) g.append("rect") .attr("width", data.key.a_opp_ha/100) .attr("height", data.key.a_opp_ha/100) .attr("x", 0) .attr("y", 0) .attr("fill", function (ding) { if (key === current) { return "blue"; } else {

java - EJB + JBoss doesn't start -

i'm working on project ejb, hibernate , jboss, got problem on jboss startup. jboss found datasource stops here: 15:42:14,035 info [entitybinder] bind entity on table contato_cliente 15:42:14,201 info [connectionproviderfactory] initializing connection provider: org.hibernate.ejb.connection.injecteddatasourceconnectionprovider 15:42:14,209 info [injecteddatasourceconnectionprovider] using provided datasource i put timeout 1000 seconds , jboss doesn't start. full log , code: 15:42:13,277 info [a] bound jndi name: queue/a 15:42:13,278 info [b] bound jndi name: queue/b 15:42:13,279 info [c] bound jndi name: queue/c 15:42:13,279 info [d] bound jndi name: queue/d 15:42:13,280 info [ex] bound jndi name: queue/ex 15:42:13,293 info [testtopic] bound jndi name: topic/testtopic 15:42:13,294 info [securedtopic] bound jndi name: topic/securedtopic 15:42:13,295 info [testdurabletopic] bound jndi name: topic/testdurabletopic

windows - Emulate symlinks and use them in PHPstorm -

please me resolve problem my project is: ->folder1 --->modules ----->module1 ----->module2 ->folder2 --->modules ----->module3 ----->module4 the following structure have on lemp virtual box. there symlinks modules folder2/modules , on linux have ->folder1 --->modules ----->module1 ----->module2 ----->module3_symlink ----->module4_symlink and executing well. the problem is: i'm trying setup ide phpstorm on windows7. downloaded code on local machine. xdebug working properly, there 2 issues: folder1/lib contains xsl schemas, necessary spelling folder2/lib . on 1 hand - can copy these schemas 2nd folder , put them .gitignore. on other hand have 1 more problem: i'm trying execute phpunit tests classes folder2 . faced same problems in point one. my question is: there possibility in windows / phpstorm emulate symlinks? or somehow resolve problem without installation unix system. thanks responses i've achieved c

ember.js - How to combine primaryKey modification with belongsTo in Ember Data -

i've got odd problem need combine 2 concepts. when used individually, techniques works, when combined, fail. basically, when try enter primarykey custom serializer, belongsto relationship depending on primary key fails. consider jsbin demonstrates problem. my api doesn't return id in payload use custom serializer point correct primarykey. app.contactserializer = ds.restserializer.extend({ primarykey: 'user_id' }); but breaks existing relationship defined in model. = ds.model.extend({ email: ds.attr('string'), user: ds.belongsto('user', {async: true}) }); how can have cake , eat too? jsbin demo after googling, came appears workable solution: revised jsbin example basically, can use normalize function in serializer add exptected id value non-standard value api supplies. // match serializer adapter...(activemodel) // use normalize slip in id api app.contactserializer = ds.activemodelserializer.extend({

c# - Editing configSource file at runtime -

i want edit web application's config @ runtime, file referenced configsource attribute. whenever try open file using webconfigurationmanager, web.config, not rewrite.config. once open, want edit (e.g. clear out existing entries, add new entries) , save out rewrite.config. am better off reading in file (e.g. web.config <system.webserver> <rewrite> <rules configsource="rewrite.config" /> </rewrite> rewrite.config <rules> <rule name="rewrite1" stopprocessing="true"> <match url="^contact-us.html$" /> <action type="rewrite" url="/contact-us" /> </rule> <rule name="rewrite2" stopprocessing="true"> <match url="^about-us.html$" /> <action type="rewrite" url="/about-us" /> </rule> </rules>

SQL Server query xml column -

i need pull values xml column. table contains 3 fields 1 being xml column below: transid int, place varchar(20), custom xml the xml column structured following: <fields> <field> <id>9346-00155d1c204e</id> <transactioncode>0710</transactioncode> <amount>5.0000</amount> </field> <field> <id>a6f0-ba07ef3a7d43</id> <transactioncode>0885</transactioncode> <amount>57.9000</amount> </field> <field> <id>9bda-7858fd182z3c</id> <transactioncode>0935</transactioncode> <amount>25.85000</amount> </field> </fields> i need able query xml column , return value <amount> if there <transaction code> = 0935. note: there records transaction code isn’t present, won't exist in same record twice. this simple, i’m having problem returning <amount> value &

sql server - TSQL Xpath Modify XML string -

i trying modify xml string replace value of node else. end goal mass encrypting account numbers in column time being, i'm trying replace 1 in xml string. when execute this, "command completed successfully" though trying return data. declare @xml xml = '<optional><account>155555555</account></optional>' set @xml.modify('replace value of (/optional/account/text())[1] "' + ( select 'abc-' + paramvalues.item.value('.', 'varchar(max)') @xml.nodes('/optional/account') paramvalues(item) )+ '"') select @xml any thoughts why isn't replacing account number in xml string abc-account number here , returning it? to answer specific question, "why isn't replacing account number", it's because xml function parameters must string literals. constructing parameter modify xml function, causing error condition. normally, s

Xpath function selecting cell with matching text from another cell -

i trying determine xpath of cell search results matching text search parameter text in previous table. in example shows case number searched is: 14-cv-12-14. lists 3 variable options: 14-cv-00-1214, 14-cv-01-214, , 14-cv-12-14. of course want 1 matches number searched, isn't in last row, i'm unable use last() function. <table> removed previous code </table> how select cell containing text matches text of cell in different table? thank in advance this! ok, let me more specific code i'm working with. the 1st table indicates number searched (14-cv-12-14). the 2nd table lists 3 options of similar numbers, 1 of them matches number 1st table. i need xpath returns number in 2nd table matches number 1st table. actual html (edited): <table 1> <tr></tr> <tr> <td id="searchparamlist" colspan="2"> <b> search by: </b> case <b>

excel - VBA - find empty cells, set equal to "EMPTY" -

code finds values sheets , copies them on 1 sheet. if column empty, prints "no items". i need make so, once done copying items over, finds blank cells in column "b" (startsht, "b") , range of last occupied cell of "c" up, fills string "empty" any ideas how go doing that? it (1) , need (2) (1) (2) set dict = getvalues(hc3.offset(1, 0)) if dict.count > 0 'add values master list, column 2 set d = startsht.cells(rows.count, hc1.column).end(xlup).offset(1, 0) d.resize(dict.count, 1).value = application.transpose(dict.items) else 'if no items under holder header startsht.range(startsht.cells(i, 2), startsht.cells(getlastrowincolumn(startsht, "c"), 1)) = " no items " end if blank cells easy find specialcells function. same using goto (or hitting f5 ) , choosing blanks . startsheet.range("b:b").specialcells(xlcelltypeblanks).value =

xml - src-resolve: Cannot resolve the name 'ds:Signature' to an 'element declaration' component -

i want schema validation using xsd file. when import xsd file eclipse, without running validation class, have following error: src-resolve: cannot resolve name 'ds:signature' 'element declaration' component i kinda new xml vs xsd validation process. although have looked similar questions on google, couldn't figure out what's wrong here. the xsd file follows: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <xs:schema xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xerces="" xmlns:xades="" xmlns:ds="" xmlns:abc="" targetnamespace="" xmlns:xades141="" elementformdefault="qualified" attributeformdefault="unqualified"> <xs:import n