c# - unable to de-serialize data -

i started created unity game visual studio project. created side project (winforms) testing don't know unit testing. there, of code works perfectly, serialization class works flawlessly when protobuf-net dll used 1 unity. now, when started work on unity, copied on of code , dlls protobuf-net , mysql.data. reason, cannot (basically)same code work. exception when de-serializing, this:

invalid field in source data: 0

and this

unexpected end-group in source data; means source data corrupt

this stack trace last exception:

protobuf.protoexception: unexpected end-group in source data; means source data corrupt @ protobuf.protoreader.readfieldheader () @ (wrapper dynamic-method) neohumansoftware.aon.userinformation.user.proto_2 (object,protobuf.protoreader) @ protobuf.serializers.compiledserializer.protobuf.serializers.iprotoserializer.read (object,protobuf.protoreader) @ protobuf.meta.runtimetypemodel.deserialize (int,object,protobuf.protoreader) @ protobuf.meta.typemodel.deserializecore (protobuf.protoreader,system.type,object,bool) @ protobuf.meta.typemodel.deserialize (system.io.stream,object,system.type,protobuf.serializationcontext) @ protobuf.meta.typemodel.deserialize (system.io.stream,object,system.type) @ protobuf.serializer.deserialize (system.io.stream) <0x000ae> @ neohumansoftware.aon.storage.serializationhandler.deserialize (string) <0x00140> @ neohumansoftware.aon.storage.datahandler.deserializeuser (string)

i omitted last part of stack trace it's not relevant. not understand why works in visual studio not in unity. serializer:

using (memorystream ms = new memorystream()) {     serializer.serialize(ms, toserialize);     return ms.toarray(); } 

and de-serializer:

using (memorystream ms = new memorystream(todeserialize)) {     return serializer.deserialize<t>(ms); } 

and object serialize "heart" of game comes user.user:

[protocontract] internal class user {     internal static user user { get; set; }      [protomember(1)]     internal usomething { get; private set; }     [protomember(2)]     internal bool usomething2 { get; set; }     [protomember(3)]     internal something3 usomething3 { get; set; }     [protomember(4)]     internal something4 usomething4 { get; private set; }     [protomember(5)]     internal something5 usomething5 { get; private set; } 

all of these custom classes have [protocontract] attribute along @ least 1 [protomember], , not use other attribute apart these 2. flow of game:

  1. data created.
  2. data serialized.
  3. serialized data passed on encryption (rijndaelmanaged).
  4. encrypted , serialized data written file.
  5. game ends
  6. data loaded file.
  7. data unencrypted using exact same key , iv (randomly generated , stored)
  8. data de-serialized.
  9. game starts

edit: trying use visual studio's project de-serialize unity's data not work. trying use unity de-serialize visual studio's data not work. seems unity not protobuf-net @ all...

edit2: changed serializer method to:

byte[] b; using (memorystream ms = new memorystream()) {     serializer.serialize(ms, toxml);     b = new byte[ms.position];     var fullb = ms.getbuffer();     array.copy(fullb, b, b.length); } 

and got:

protobuf.protoexception: invalid wire-type; means have over-written file without truncating or setting length; see using protobuf-net, got exception unknown wire-type @ protobuf.protoreader.skipfield () @ (wrapper dynamic-method) neohumansoftware.aon.userinformation.user.proto_2 (object,protobuf.protoreader) @ protobuf.serializers.compiledserializer.protobuf.serializers.iprotoserializer.read (object,protobuf.protoreader) @ protobuf.meta.runtimetypemodel.deserialize (int,object,protobuf.protoreader) @ protobuf.meta.typemodel.deserializecore (protobuf.protoreader,system.type,object,bool) @ protobuf.meta.typemodel.deserialize (system.io.stream,object,system.type,protobuf.serializationcontext) @ protobuf.meta.typemodel.deserialize (system.io.stream,object,system.type) @ protobuf.serializer.deserialize (system.io.stream) <0x000ae>

if helps, these read , write file methods:

internal static void saveuser(string userserialized) {     file.writealltext(somepath, userserialized); }  internal static void loaduser(string userserialized) {     file.readalltext(somepath); } 

edit 3: in unity's project, had these did not have in visual studio's project:

internal static coordinates fromvector3(vector3 vector) {     return new coordinates(vector.x, vector.y, vector.z); } internal static vector3 tovector3(coordinates c) {     return new vector3(c.x, c.y, c.z); } 

these in coordinates class, has [protocontract] , [protomember] x, y , z. commenting these 2 methods out stops me receiving exceptions serialization still doesn't work (the user properties "new")


after giving hope on protobuf-net switched on datacotractserializer somehow worked on unity. still got many issues decided turn off encryption , read xml using visual studio; the file ok. still had lot of issues 3 event handlers (2 hooked on game start, other each time special object created), had remove event handlers , operations manually (what pain in a$$). after of this, managed add protobuf-net , work should (note protobuf-net gives me 89 bytes file agains dcs' 3.5 kb file)

so, final solution extremely weird issue was:

  1. disable functional rijndaelmanaged implementation
  2. disable event handlers

if can me understand why rijdnaelmanaged did work on visual studio not unity, please leave comment.


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