javascript - Getting tax price to calculate before submitting a form -

i'm trying tax value in checkout page calculate once state field selected. want without having submit form want display tax rate on page before order processed.

i sure have ajax , have used ajax limited amount of times. know send request ajax php page , ajax pulls field need. need pull is, if ohio selected need pull value of 1.065. if other state pulled need value of 1.

i have state variables listed in array format because using options state dropdown..

$taxvalue['ohio'] = "ohio"; $taxvalue['virginia'] = "virginia"; 


then tried if isset statement when ohio selected pull $taxed_state value of 1.065. else else untaxed_state.

$taxed_state = 1.065; $untaxed_state = 1;      if(isset($taxvalue['ohio'])){             $taxed_state;        } else {          $untaxed_state;     } 

this how trying configure tax rate know work once can state set before form submitted.

    $base_price = 0;             foreach($_session['shopping_cart'] $id => $product) {                 $product_id = $product['product_id'];                 $base_price += $products[$product_id]['price'] * $product['quantity'];                 $shipping_price += $products[$product_id]['shippingprice'] * $product['quantity'];               }             $tax_price += $base_price * $taxed_state;             $total_price += $base_price + $shipping_price + $tax_price; } 

i know general way send ajax call...

$.ajax({ url: "tax.php", data: {     action: "" }, type: "post", datatype: "text" }).fail(function(e, t, m) { 

but i'm not sure how structure ajax call make work trying do. how can go doing getting tax rate sent 1 state input field selected.

i'm sure i'm pretty far off on this, give insight , point me in right direction.


i'm putting in more code see i'm doing wrong..

$taxvalue['wisconsin'] = 1; $taxvalue['wyoming'] = 1;  $taxed_state = 1.065; $untaxed_state = 1;      if(isset($taxvalue['ohio'])){             $taxed_state;        } else {          $untaxed_state;     }              $base_price = 0;             foreach($_session['shopping_cart'] $id => $product) {                 $product_id = $product['product_id'];                 $base_price += $products[$product_id]['price'] * $product['quantity'];                 $shipping_price += $products[$product_id]['shippingprice'] * $product['quantity'];               }             $tax_price += $base_price * $taxed_state;             $total_price += $base_price + $shipping_price + $tax_price; }   ?> <div id="msgdiv" > </div>                         <div class="ordersummarycontainer">                                 <span class="summarytitle"><p>order summary</p></span><br>                                 items: <span class="floatright"><?php echo "$" . $base_price; ?></span>                                 <p>shipping , handling: <span class="floatright"><?php echo "$" . $shipping_price; ?></span></p>                                 <p>tax: <span class="floatright"><?php echo "$" . $tax_price - $base_price; ?></span></p> 

at bottom of page have js

<script>     $(document).ready(function() { $(function() {     var taxed_price = 0;      $( "#taxvalue" ).change(function() {         if ($(this).val() == 'ohio') {             tax = 1.065;         }         else {             tax = 1;         }         $('#taxed_price').val(base_total * taxed_state);     }); }); }); </script> 


i commented out $taxed_state , untaxed_state because had values in it, trying were.

$taxvalue['wisconsin'] = 1; $taxvalue['wyoming'] = 1;  //$taxed_state = 1.065; //$untaxed_state = 1;      if(isset($taxvalue['ohio'])){             $taxed_state;        } else {          $untaxed_state;     }              $base_price = 0;             foreach($_session['shopping_cart'] $id => $product) {                 $product_id = $product['product_id'];                 $base_price += $products[$product_id]['price'] * $product['quantity'];                 $shipping_price += $products[$product_id]['shippingprice'] * $product['quantity'];               }             $tax_price += $base_price * $taxed_state;             $total_price += $base_price + $shipping_price + $tax_price; } 

the area tax echod to. area not getting show up

<p>tax: <span class="floatright"><?php echo "$" . $tax_price //- $base_price; ?></span></p> 

form state drop down is...

<label for="state">state</label> <select type="text" class="mediuminputbar preview" id="shiptostate taxvalue" data-copy="#confirmstate" name="shiptostate taxvalue" value="<?php echo escape($user->data()->state); ?>" required>     <option value=''>select state</option>     <?php     foreach($taxvalue $key => $val) {         echo "<option value='$val'>$key</option>/n";     }        ?>     </select> 


$(document).ready(function() { $(function() {     var taxed_state = 0;     var base_total = 0;      $( "#taxvalue" ).change(function() {         if ($(this).val() == 'ohio') {             taxed_state = 1.065;         }         else {             taxed_state = 1;         }         $('#taxed_price').val(base_total * taxed_state);     }); }); }); 

it seems me might not need ajax call. if have 2 tax rates (ohio , non-taxed), why not through javascript? this:

$(function() {     var tax = 0;      $( "#state" ).change(function() {         if ($(this).val() == 'ohio') {             tax = 1.065;         }         else {             tax = 1;         }         $('#total').val(total * tax);     }); });  


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