mvc 4 - Azure blobs - cannot display image store in blob container in MVC 4 -

question background:

i have basic mvc 4 site , trying display picture stored in blob storage container in azure cloud account. store list of image uri's in string list , pass these view should display

the issue:

i can't seem file name of image stored in container.

the following image shows container in azure. note there image stored in size of 101.28kb:

enter image description here

this code trying use retrieve blobs , read image uri's:

azurestoragecontroller pics action method:

 public actionresult pics()     {         var imagelist = new list<string>();          var imagesazure = new myblobstorageservice();          var container = imagesazure.getcloudblobcontainer();          foreach (var blobitem in container.listblobs())         {             imagelist.add(blobitem.uri.tostring());         }         return view(imagelist);     } 

the getcloudblobcontainer method of myblobstorageservice class:

 public cloudblobcontainer getcloudblobcontainer()     {         string accountname = "fmfcpics";          string accountkey = "xxxxxx/yyyyyyyyy/3333333333==";          storagecredentials credentials = new storagecredentials(accountname, accountkey);          cloudstorageaccount storageaccount = new cloudstorageaccount(credentials, true);          cloudblobclient blobclient = storageaccount.createcloudblobclient();          cloudblobcontainer container = blobclient.getcontainerreference("images");          if (container.createifnotexists())         {             container.setpermissions(new blobcontainerpermissions() { publicaccess = blobcontainerpublicaccesstype.blob });         }          return container;     } 

the pics view:

@{ viewbag.title = "pics"; }  <h2>pics</h2>  @foreach (var item in model) {     <img src="@item" alt="picture" width="200" height="200" /> } 

the uri in list being passed pics view is: not feature image file name.

any appreciated.

as guarav has stated already, thing check make sure container not "private".


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