angularjs - How to inherit from base provider (not the provider factory)? -

say have base provider:

angular.module('app').provider('baseclient', function () {     this.setsomething = function (something) {         // store `something` somewhere         return this;     }; }); 

and these 2 other sub-providers:

angular.module('app').provider('clienta', function () {     this.$get = function () {         return {             foo: function () {                 console.log('foo', /* read `something`, needs output 'aaa' */);             }         }     }; });  angular.module('app').provider('clientb', function () {     this.$get = function () {         return {             bar: function () {                 console.log('bar', /* read `something`, needs output 'bbb' */);             }         }     }; });  angular.module('app').config(function (clientaprovider, clientbprovider) {     clientaprovider.setsomething('aaa');     clientbprovider.setsomething('bbb'); }); 

how make clienta , clientb inherit provider section of baseclient in such way can call clientaprovider.setsomething('aaa') , clientbprovider.setsomething('bbb') , store value per provider, while using same setsomething implementation?

i have bunch of these providers (more these 2) provider section same, configuration implementation same factory section of providers different.


you inject baseclientprovider clienta provider.

full code here plnkr

app.provider('baseclient', function() {   this.config = {     something: null   };    this.setsomething = function(something) {     this.config.something = something;     return this;   };    this.$get = function() {}; });  app.provider('clienta', ['baseclientprovider', function(baseclientprovider) {   var self = this;   angular.extend(self, baseclientprovider);   self.$get = function() {     return {       foo: function() {         console.log('foo', self.config.something);       }     }   }; }]); 


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