ios - Swift - How to change background color when a certain amount of points are gained -

i have been working on game when player gets 10 points background change color put in string, same happen 20 points, 30 points , on. question how can make background fade different colors when player gets on 10 points /20 points /30 points. don't want colors random want put own color codes/hex values, don't want colors change when button pressed. want change when player gets on amount of points.

a example of game "don't touch spikes" every 5 points gain background fades different one.

note: made game in gamescene , not using gameviewcontroller made project game file so:

import foundation  import spritekit  class gamescene: skscene, skphysicscontactdelegate {  var movingground: ppmovingground! var hero: pphero! var wallgen: ppwallgen!  var isstarted = false var isgameover = false  override func didmovetoview(view: skview) {     //backgroundcolor = uicolor.greencolor()     backgroundcolor = uicolor(red: 223/255.0, green: 86/255.0, blue: 94/255.0, alpha: 1.0)      addmovingground()     addhero()     addwallgen()     addtaptostartlabel()     addstagelabel()     addpointslabels()     addphysicsworld()     loadhighscore()  }  func addlevellabel() {  }  func addmovingground() {     movingground = ppmovingground(size: cgsizemake(view!.frame.width, kmlgroundheight))     movingground.position = cgpointmake(0, view!.frame.size.height/2)     addchild(movingground) }  func addhero() {     hero = pphero()     hero.position = cgpointmake(70, movingground.position.y + movingground.frame.size.height/2 + hero.frame.size.height/2)     addchild(hero) }  func addwallgen() {     wallgen = ppwallgen(color: uicolor.clearcolor(), size: view!.frame.size)     wallgen.position = view!.center     addchild(wallgen) }  func addtaptostartlabel() {     let taptostartlabel = sklabelnode(text: "tap start!") = "taptostartlabel"     taptostartlabel.position.x = view!.center.x     taptostartlabel.position.y = view!.center.y + 40     taptostartlabel.fontname = "helvetica"     taptostartlabel.fontcolor = uicolor.whitecolor()     taptostartlabel.fontsize = 22.0     addchild(taptostartlabel)     taptostartlabel.runaction(blinkanimation()) }  func addstagelabel() {     let stagelabel = ppstagelabel(num: 1) = "stagelabel"     stagelabel.position.x = view!.center.x     stagelabel.position.y = view!.center.y - 120     stagelabel.fontcolor = uicolor.whitecolor()     stagelabel.fontname = "helvetica"     stagelabel.fontsize = 40     addchild(stagelabel)      let stagetextlabel = sklabelnode(text: "stage")     stagetextlabel.fontcolor = uicolor.whitecolor()     stagetextlabel.fontsize = 14.0     stagetextlabel.fontname = "helvetica"     stagetextlabel.position = cgpointmake(3.0,-15.0)     stagelabel.addchild(stagetextlabel) }  func addpointslabels() {     let pointslabel = pppointslabel(num: 0) = "pointslabel"     pointslabel.position.x = view!.center.x     pointslabel.position.y = view!.center.y + 120     pointslabel.fontcolor = uicolor.whitecolor()     pointslabel.fontname = "helvetica"     pointslabel.fontsize = 40     addchild(pointslabel)      let highscorelabel = pppointslabel(num: 0) = "highscorelabel"     highscorelabel.position = cgpointmake(view!.frame.size.width - 40, view!.frame.size.height - 30)     highscorelabel.fontcolor = uicolor.whitecolor()     highscorelabel.fontname = "helvetica"     highscorelabel.fontsize = 24     addchild(highscorelabel)      let highscoretextlabel = sklabelnode(text: "highscore: ")     highscoretextlabel.fontcolor = uicolor.whitecolor()     highscoretextlabel.fontsize = 14.0     highscoretextlabel.fontname = "helvetica"     highscoretextlabel.position = cgpointmake(-70.0,3.5)     highscorelabel.addchild(highscoretextlabel)         }  func addphysicsworld() {     physicsworld.contactdelegate = self }  func loadhighscore() {     let defaults = nsuserdefaults.standarduserdefaults()      let highscorelabel = childnodewithname("highscorelabel") as! pppointslabel     highscorelabel.setto(defaults.integerforkey("highscore")) }  // mark - game lifecycle func start() {     isstarted = true      let taptostartlabel = childnodewithname("taptostartlabel")     taptostartlabel?.removefromparent()      hero.stop()     movingground.start()     wallgen.startgenwallsevery(1) }  func gameover() {     isgameover = true      // stops     hero.fall()     wallgen.stopwalls()     movingground.stop()     hero.stop()      // create game on label     let gameoverlabel = sklabelnode(text: "game over!")     gameoverlabel.fontcolor = uicolor.whitecolor()     gameoverlabel.fontname = "helvetica"     gameoverlabel.position.x = view!.center.x     gameoverlabel.position.y = view!.center.y + 80     gameoverlabel.fontsize = 22.0     addchild(gameoverlabel)     gameoverlabel.runaction(blinkanimation())      // save current points label value     let pointslabel = childnodewithname("pointslabel") as! pppointslabel     let highscorelabel = childnodewithname("highscorelabel") as! pppointslabel     let stagelabel = childnodewithname("stagelabel") as! ppstagelabel      if highscorelabel.number < pointslabel.number {         highscorelabel.setto(pointslabel.number)          let defaults = nsuserdefaults.standarduserdefaults()         defaults.setinteger(highscorelabel.number, forkey: "highscore")     } }   func restart() {              let newscence = gamescene(size: view!.bounds.size)     newscence.scalemode = .aspectfill      view!.presentscene(newscence) }  override func touchesbegan(touches: set<nsobject>, withevent event: uievent) {      if isgameover {         restart()     }else if !isstarted {         start()     }else{         hero.flip()     } }  override func update(currenttime: cftimeinterval) {     if wallgen.walltrackers.count > 0 {                  let wall = wallgen.walltrackers[0] ppwall                  let walllocation = wallgen.convertpoint(wall.position, tonode: self)         if walllocation.x < hero.position.x {             wallgen.walltrackers.removeatindex(0)                          let pointslabel = childnodewithname("pointslabel") as! pppointslabel             pointslabel.increment()         }     }else if       wallgen.walltrackers.count > 0 {         let wall = wallgen.walltrackers[0] ppwall                      let walllocation = wallgen.convertpoint(wall.position, tonode: self)         if walllocation.x < hero.position.x {             wallgen.walltrackers.removeatindex(0)                              let stagelabel = childnodewithname("stagelabel") as! ppstagelabel             stagelabel.increment()         }     } }  // mark: - skphysicscontactdelegate func didbegincontact(contact: skphysicscontact) {     if !isgameover {         gameover()     } }  // marr: - animations func blinkanimation() -> skaction {     let duration = 0.4     let fadeout = skaction.fadealphato(0.0, duration: duration)     let fadein = skaction.fadealphato(1.0, duration: duration)     let blink = skaction.sequence([fadeout, fadein])     return skaction.repeatactionforever(blink) }  } 

i think can't animate skview.first declare variables

var isstarted = false var isgameover = false var lastchangedbackground = 0 var background = skspritenode() 

to want add sknode child of skscene , let background , create variable lastchangedbackground in didmovetoview() function. lastchangedbackground let background change color once when value of points.

then can add update function this:

override func didmovetoview(view: skview) {     //backgroundcolor = uicolor.greencolor()     //backgroundcolor = skspritenode()      var background = skspritenode(color: uicolor(red: 223/255.0, green: 86/255.0, blue: 94/255.0, alpha: 1.0),size: view.bounds.size)     background.position =     self.addchild(background)      addmovingground()     addhero()     addwallgen()     addtaptostartlabel()     addstagelabel()     addpointslabels()     addphysicsworld()     loadhighscore() }  override func update(currenttime: cftimeinterval) {      if wallgen.walltrackers.count > 0 {          let wall = wallgen.walltrackers[0] ppwall          let walllocation = wallgen.convertpoint(wall.position, tonode: self)         if walllocation.x < hero.position.x {             wallgen.walltrackers.removeatindex(0)              let pointslabel = childnodewithname("pointslabel") as! pppointslabel             pointslabel.increment()              //here points should receive pointslabel value             //if pointslabel.num % 10 == 0 points 10, 20, 30...             if pointslabel.num % 10 == 0 && pointslabel.num != lastchangedbackground{                 lastchangedbackground = points                 if (lastchangedbackground == 10) {                     background.runaction(skaction.colorizewithcolor(skcolor.bluecolor(), colorblendfactor: 0.5, duration: 1))                 }                 else if(lastchangedbackground == 20){                     background.runaction(skaction.colorizewithcolor(skcolor.greencolor(), colorblendfactor: 0.5, duration: 1))                 }                 else if(lastchangedbackground == 30){                     background.runaction(skaction.colorizewithcolor(skcolor.redcolor(), colorblendfactor: 0.5, duration: 1))                 }                 wall in wallgen.walltrackers {                     wall.runaction(skaction.colorizewithcolor(background.color, colorblendfactor: 0.5, duration: 1))                 }              }         }     }else if       wallgen.walltrackers.count > 0 {          let wall = wallgen.walltrackers[0] ppwall          let walllocation = wallgen.convertpoint(wall.position, tonode: self)         if walllocation.x < hero.position.x {             wallgen.walltrackers.removeatindex(0)              let stagelabel = childnodewithname("stagelabel") as! ppstagelabel             stagelabel.increment()         }     } } 


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