Calculating taxable income and tax rate using, html and c# -

my goal here compute federal income tax based on taxable income using, c# , html. below i've coded far. summary: user inputs annual income , number of dependents via text boxes. there $1000 deduction every dependent. taxable income = annual income – (number of dependents * 1000). need multiply taxable income tax rate.

i having difficulties calculating value of taxable income, , still need code calculate button it's job.

taxable income range , tax rate: >450000 -- 39.6%. >378000 , <=450000 -- 33%. >192000 , <=378000 -- 28%. >71000 , <=192000 -- 25%. >15000 , <=71000 -- 15%. <=15000 -- 10%.  <%@ page language="c#" autoeventwireup="true" codebehind="form1.aspx.cs" inherits="webapplication1.form1" %> <!doctype html> <html xmlns=""> <head runat="server"> </head> <body>     <form id="form1" runat="server">         <div style="text-align: center">            enter name here: <asp:textbox id="name" runat="server"></asp:textbox>     <br /><br />            annual income: <asp:textbox id="income" runat="server"></asp:textbox>     <br /><br />            number of dependents: <asp:textbox id="dependents" runat="server"></asp:textbox>     <br /><br />     <asp:button id="calculate" runat="server" text="calculate tax" onclick="calculate_click" />     <br /><br />                   total tax: <asp:textbox id="total" runat="server"></asp:textbox>         </div>     </form> </body> </html> 

here's .cs, need edit _rates second represent table above of taxable income , tax rate.

namespace webapplication1 { } public class incometaxcalculator { protected list<keyvaluepair<double, int>> _rates = null; protected incometaxcalculator() {     // load database.     _rates = new list<keyvaluepair<double, int>>();     _rates.add(new keyvaluepair<double, int>(.10, 15000));     _rates.add(new keyvaluepair<double, int>(.15, 15000));     _rates.add(new keyvaluepair<double, int>(.25, 71000));     _rates.add(new keyvaluepair<double, int>(.28, 192000));     _rates.add(new keyvaluepair<double, int>(.33, 378000));     _rates.add(new keyvaluepair<double, int>(.396, 450000)); } public double single(int income) {     double tax = 0;     (int = _rates.count - 1; >= 0; i--)     {         if (income > _rates[i].value)         {             tax += (income - _rates[i].value) * _rates[i].key;             income = _rates[i].value;         }     }     return tax; } // singletone protected static incometaxcalculator _instance = null; public static incometaxcalculator instance {         {         if (_instance == null)         {             _instance = new incometaxcalculator();         }         return _instance;     } } } public partial class form1 : {     protected void page_load(object sender, eventargs e)     {         response.write(incometaxcalculator.instance.single(40000).tostring("c"));     }     protected void calculate_click(object sender, eventargs e)     {     }  }  

form1 doesn't have instance. might want to:



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