javascript - How to update kml file/layer dynamically? -

i using kml file displaying map custom boundary lines. kml file downloaded website. in file, inside placemark tag there no point tag display icons. eg:

<placemark>     <name>spot 2</name>     <description>.....</description>     <styleurl>....</styleurl>     <multigeometry><polygon><outerboundaryis><linearring><coordinates>     .........     </coordinates></linearring></outerboundaryis></polygon></multigeometry> </placemark> 

that placemark tag contains in kml file. , need,

1) how can add point tag placemark tag. there way add dynamically?. kml file has 5000 , above placemarks. 2) point tag coordinates refers center of polygon.

i.e) need following

<placemark>     <name>spot 2</name>     <description>.....</description>     <styleurl>....</styleurl>     <multigeometry><polygon><outerboundaryis><linearring><coordinates>     .........     </coordinates></linearring></outerboundaryis></polygon></multigeometry>     <point>         <coordinates>144.253,-36.6632,0</coordinates>     </point> </placemark>  


i using geoxml3 parser display kml layer in google maps.

this html file,

<!doctype html> <html>   <head>     <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no">     <meta charset="utf-8">     <title>kml layers</title>     <style>       html, body, #map-canvas {         height: 100%;         margin: 0px;         padding: 0px       }     </style>     <script src=""></script>     <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>     <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>     <script> function initialize() {   var usa = new google.maps.latlng(41.875696,-87.624207);   var mapoptions = {     zoom: 4,     center: usa,     maptypeid: google.maps.maptypeid.hybrid   }   var map = new'map-canvas'), mapoptions);  var myparser = new geoxml3.parser({     map: map   });     var kml = myparser.parse('http://localhost/test/dfwnorth.kml'); } google.maps.event.adddomlistener(window, 'load', initialize);     </script>   </head>   <body>     <div id="map-canvas"></div>   </body> </html> 

this sample kml file,

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <kml xmlns=""   xmlns:gx=""> <document>   <name>real estate portal usa parcels</name>   <open>1</open>    <style id="parcel">     <linestyle>       <color>ff48a7ff</color>       <width>1</width>     </linestyle>     <polystyle>       <outline>1</outline>       <color>00ffffff</color>     </polystyle>   </style>    <style id="hl_parcel">     <iconstyle>       <scale>0.3</scale>       <icon>         <href></href>       </icon>     </iconstyle>     <labelstyle>       <color>9900ffff</color>       <scale>1</scale>     </labelstyle>     <linestyle>       <color>ff00ffff</color>       <width>1.5</width>     </linestyle>     <polystyle>       <outline>1</outline>       <color>5f000000</color>     </polystyle>   </style>    <folder>     <open>1</open>     <name>selected parcels</name>     <placemark>       <name><![cdata[1100 n 27th ave]]></name>       <description> ............ </description>       <styleurl>#hl_parcel</styleurl>       <multigeometry>         <polygon>           <outerboundaryis>             <linearring>               <coordinates>-97.032117983752471,32.928768626517076 -97.024643584146915,32.923035186813181 -97.024619516424863,32.923056622674181 -97.023311876445746,32.922172553473487 -97.023027365973348,32.921986354508512 -97.022978167636879,32.921954156605246 -97.022101518923066,32.921458657105333 -97.021852382220004,32.921328433111441 -97.021603007761968,32.921212207649802 -97.021353262564418,32.921103685381986 -97.020040739077089,32.92059307329437 -97.019977072943703,32.920561642411542 -97.019978949582082,32.920357989560173 -97.019981935486342,32.920034178750491 -97.032338461906804,32.92018039810069 -97.03217983292177,32.928807043604458 -97.032117983752471,32.928768626517076</coordinates>             </linearring>           </outerboundaryis>         </polygon>     </multigeometry>     </placemark> ......... ........... 

geoxml3 parses kml native google.maps.polygon objects. can process polygons in afterparse function:

var myparser = new geoxml3.parser({   map: map,   afterparse: usethedata }); var kml = myparser.parse('kml/so_20150619a.kml'); function usethedata(doc) {   (var i=0; < doc[0].gpolygons.length; i++) {     var centroid = new google.maps.marker({map:map,position: get_polygon_centroid(doc[0].gpolygons[i].getpath().getarray())});   } } 

to centroid of polygon:

// function get_polygon_centroid(pts) {    var first = pts[0], last = pts[pts.length-1];    if ( != || first.lng() != last.lng()) pts.push(first);    var twicearea=0,    x=0, y=0,    npts = pts.length,    p1, p2, f;    ( var i=0, j=npts-1 ; i<npts ; j=i++ ) {       p1 = pts[i]; p2 = pts[j];       f =*p2.lng() -*p1.lng();       twicearea += f;                 x += ( p1.lng() + p2.lng() ) * f;       y += ( + ) * f;    }    f = twicearea * 3;    return new google.maps.latlng(y/f, x/f); } 

note above "really works" regular polygons, irregular polygons concave edges center might not "in" polygon.

working example


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