vb.net - Calling sub in different class not working right -

i creating browser in vb.net using cefsharp. created custom lifespanhandler handle popup windows, when try call public sub in different class, not giving expected output. created lifespanhandler using following code:

public class lifespanhandler implements ilifespanhandler public event popuprequest action(of string) public function onbeforepopup(browser iwebbrowser, sourceurl string, targeturl string, byref x integer, byref y integer, byref width integer, byref height integer) boolean implements ilifespanhandler.onbeforepopup     raiseevent popuprequest(targeturl)     my.settings.newpage = targeturl     call form1.intnewtab()     return true end function public sub onbeforeclose(browser iwebbrowser) implements ilifespanhandler.onbeforeclose  end sub end class 

and have browser.lifespanhandler = new lifespanhandler initialized. (with browser being cefsharp.winforms.chromiumwebbrowser)

i save targeturl in my.settings.newpage, when browser initialized, opens url. in different class (and different form), have code:

public sub intnewtab()     dim tab new tabpage     dim newtab new tabs     newtab.show()     newtab.dock = dockstyle.fill     newtab.toplevel = false     tab.controls.add(newtab)     me.customtabcontrol1.tabpages.add(tab)     me.picturebox1.location = new system.drawing.point(picturebox1.location.x + 150, 3)     my.settings.newpage = my.settings.homepage     me.customtabcontrol1.selectedtab = tab end sub 

which code add new tab. in lifespanhandler, when call form1.intnewtab(), browser freezes out of focus. window grayed out (meaning it's out of focus) , can't drag around, , stays on top of else, , can't interact part of browser.

to test else out, added button form1 exact code intnewtab, , when click on it, opens new tab specified page normal. tried leaving button visible, , onbeforepopup adding form1.button1.performclick, did not work either. else have experience doing this, or have suggestions?


i added following codes browser try , rid of default instance (the best understood it):

to form1:

module program friend frmmain form1 end module 

in form1_load:

`frmmain = me` 

then added code in lifespanhandler reflect changes:

dim mainfrm = new form1()     mainfrm.intnewtab() 

and did not work. kept freezing out of focus before. tried adding frmmain.intnewtab() (the code in form1_load), , still did not work.


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