android - native activity camera on lollipop with opencv -

it seems opencv can't use native camera on android 5.+ ( lollipop ). cf :

is there other way grab pictures native activity , convert cv::mat ? or, maybe use jni call grab function in java c++ activity ?

thank help


you use jni call grab function in java c++ activity, this(threshold example):

java code:

//override javacameraview opencv function public mat oncameraframe(cvcameraviewframe inputframe) {     mrgba = inputframe.rgba();     mgray = inputframe.gray();      processimage.threshold(mgray, mgray, 97, 0);      return mgray; }  // functions public static void threshold(mat srcgray, mat dst, int thresholdvalue, int thresholdtype) {     nativethreshold(srcgray.getnativeobjaddr(), dst.getnativeobjaddr(), thresholdvalue, thresholdtype.ordinal()); }  private static native void nativethreshold(long srcgray, long dst, int thresholdvalue, int thresholdtype); 

jni c++ code:

jniexport void jnicall java_{package}_nativethreshold   (jnienv * jenv, jobject jobj, jlong scrgray, jlong dst, jint thresholdvalue, jint thresholdtype) {      try     {         mat matdst = *((mat*)dst);         mat matsrcgray = *((mat*)scrgray);         threshold( matsrcgray, matdst, thresholdvalue, max_binary_value, thresholdtype );     }     catch(cv::exception& e)     {         logd("nativethreshold caught cv::exception: %s", e.what());         jclass je = jenv->findclass("org/opencv/core/cvexception");         if(!je)             je = jenv->findclass("java/lang/exception");         jenv->thrownew(je, e.what());     }     catch (...)     {         logd("nativethreshold caught unknown exception");         jclass je = jenv->findclass("java/lang/exception");         jenv->thrownew(je, "unknown exception in jni code processimage.nativethreshold()");     } } 

hope helps!


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