mysql - Java program connect to access database -

i have java program connects external microsoft access database. following shows code in databasehandler class, used connect database.

static public int makeconnectiontofireplacedb() {     try {         // make connection database         connectiontofireplacedb = drivermanager.getconnection("jdbc:odbc:fireplace");     } catch (sqlexception exception) {                return (-1);    // return -1 if there problem                          // making connection     }     return (0);   // return 0 if connection made database         } // end 

the follow shows part of code class of program uses external database. class views data database (which @ bottom of code isn't necessary question). when try access database following error: unable connect database table fireplace.

if ( databasehandler.loaddriver() == -1 ) {     joptionpane.showmessagedialog (frame, "problem loading jdbc/odbc driver."); // check see if can connect database table } else if ( databasehandler.makeconnectiontofireplacedb() == -1 ) {     joptionpane.showmessagedialog (frame, "unable connect database table fireplace"); } else { // search fireplaces          // data 

so cannot connected external database, appreciated.

update: following error:

java.sql.sqlexception: [microsoft][odbc driver manager] specified dsn contains architecture mismatch between driver , application 


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