javascript - How to send a query result with sequelize between model and controller -

my problem following:

i have nodejs+expressjs , generated mvc project generator-express have mysql+sequelize+gulp app.

i connected db , made query in model, can't pass result controller , print in screen.

instead of error variable undefined.

the code model (regiones.js) is:

  module.exports = function (sequelize, datatypes) {    var regiones = sequelize.define('regiones', {     idregion: datatypes.integer,     nombre: datatypes.string   }, {     classmethods:    {             encontrar : function(){ sequelize                                     .query('select * regiones', { raw: true })                                     .spread(function(resul, m){console.log(resul); return resul;}); }          }   });     return regiones  };   

the code controller (home.js) is:

var express = require('express'),   router = express.router(),   db = require('../models');  module.exports = function (app) {   app.use('/', router); };   router.get('/', function (req, res, next) {          resu = db.regiones.encontrar();         console.log("resu : "+resu);         var arreglo = [];         for(i=0;i<resu.length;i++){             arreglo.push(resu[i].nombre);         }           db.article.findall().then(function (articles) {             res.render('index', {               title: arreglo[1],              articles: articles             });         }); }); 

"regiones" (sorry because names in spanish) has "idregiones" , "nombre".

basically want know how result of query in controller.

the index prints only:

cannot read property 'length' of undefined typeerror: cannot read property 'length' of undefined @ c:\users\erick\farma1\app\controllers\home.js:15:17 @ layer.handle [as handle_request]  

and console prints tuples in model, in controller prints:

resu : undefined 

i've search lot, seems theoretical problem of me.

thanks :)

your encontrar function not return anything, that's why getting undefined.

the query async, need add handler returned promise:

db.regiones.encontrar().then(function (resu) {... 


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