oop - Method Chaining PHP -

i have quick question that's killing head.

i'm trying make form validation system method chaining in php

what want able call example (please check code comments):

$firstname = $object->forms->field("first name", "firstname"); //this 1 doesn't validate, puts what's on firstname field on $firstname. way doesn't work me, because have return object can chainable , not variable of post. how can this? $firstname = $object->forms->field("first name", "firstname")->validate(); //this 1 validates if field not empty , if it's empty it'll insert first parameter ("first name") onto array display errors. $email = $object->forms->field("email", "email")->validate()->email(); //this 1 same above validates email , inserts value of email field onto $email prefer next one... $email = $object->forms->field("email", "email")->validate->email(); //i'd rather prefer method don't know how without using parenthesis on validate method. 

i can make work this

    $firstname = $object->forms->field("first name", "firstname")->validate(); ,     $firstname = $object->forms->field("first name", "firstname")->validate()->email(); 

without ->validate(); can't seem make work (like this: $firstname = $object->forms->field("first name", "firstname");)

the code kinda mess share. code simple... have forms.class.php , validate.class.php. forms.class.php creates instance of validate class validate.class.php , forms object passed through validate class on constructor.

i want able do:

$object->forms->field(); $object->forms->field()->validate(); $object->forms->field()->validate()->email; $object->forms->field()->validate()->telephone; 

or preferebly:

$object->forms->field(); $object->forms->field()->validate; $object->forms->field()->validate->email; $object->forms->field()->validate->telephone; 

only figured out:

$object->forms->field()->validate(); $object->forms->field()->validate()->email(); $object->forms->field()->validate()->telephone(); 

but form ok

thank you.

see if trying do:

<?php      class   formvalidate         {             protected   $args;             public      $valid;              public  function forms()                 {                     // don't know function supposed do....                     return $this;                 }              public  function validate()                 {                     $numargs    =   func_num_args();                     $this->args =   array();                      if($numargs == 2) {                             $vals       =   func_get_args();                             $this->args[$vals[1]]   =   $vals[0];                             $this->valid            =   true;                         }                     else                         $this->valid    =   false;                      if(isset($this->args['firstname']) && !empty($this->args['firstname']))                         return true;                      return  $this;                 }              public  function email()                 {                     if(isset($this->args['email'])) {                             if(filter_var($this->args['email'],filter_validate_email))                                 return $this->valid     =   $this->args['email'];                         }                      return $this->valid =   false;                 }              public  function telephone()                 {                     if(isset($this->args['telephone'])) {                             if(preg_match('/^[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}$/',$this->args['telephone']))                                 return $this->valid     =   $this->args['telephone'];                         }                      return $this->valid =   false;                 }         }          $test   =   new formvalidate();         // these throw fatal error on base validate('first name','firstname')         // if add method chain so: ->validate('first name','firstname')->email();         echo $test->forms()->validate('123-876-0987','telephone')->telephone();  ?> 


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