sql - Populate Excel userform listbox with query data - listbox is blank -

i'm attempting populate listbox on userform in excel document query sql server, listbox blank.

i'm trying list of locations populate use define parameters follow on query.

here code:

option explicit sub populate_listbox_from_sql()     dim cnt adodb.connection     dim rst adodb.recordset     dim stdb string, stconn string, stsql string     dim xlcalc xlcalculation     dim vadata variant     dim k long      'set sql connection , connection string     set cnt = new adodb.connection      stconn = "provider=sqloledb.1;integrated security=sspi;persist security info=false;initial catalog=dw;data source=use-rptdw-00;use procedure prepare=1;auto translate=true;" _     & "packet size=4096;workstation id=pi-l-c03rtrd;use encryption data=false;tag column collation when possible=false"      cnt.connectionstring = stconn      'your sql statement     stsql = "select ldesc fin.location order ldesc"      cnt         .cursorlocation = aduseclient 'necesary creating disconnected recordset.         .open stconn 'open connection.         'instantiate recordsetobject , execute sql-state.         set rst = .execute(stsql)     end      rst         set .activeconnection = nothing 'disconnect recordset.         k = .fields.count          'populate array whole recordset.         vadata = .getrows     end       'close connection.     cnt.close       'manipulate listbox's properties , show form.      userform1         .combobox1             .clear             .boundcolumn = k             .list = application.transpose(vadata)             .listindex = -1         end         .show vbmodeless     end      'release objects memory.     set rst = nothing     set cnt = nothing end sub 

maybe i'm putting code in wrong place? have under base vba code userform. or maybe need set properties listbox itself?

i'm pretty new vba appreciated

never mind. figured out. wasn't making explicit call function. although, "run-time error '400': form displayed; can't show modally" error.

any idea how stop happening?


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