Gulp: How to concat bower components after all libs been download? -

i'm using "gulp-bower" auto install libs bower.json, want gulp minify libs once it's been download. code:

var gulp = require('gulp');  var sass = require('gulp-sass'); var concat = require('gulp-concat'); var bower = require('gulp-bower'); var mainbowerfiles = require('main-bower-files');  gulp.task('bower', function() {     return bower()         .pipe(gulp.dest("./bower_components")) });  gulp.task('minifybower', function() {     return gulp.src(mainbowerfiles())         .pipe(concat('lib.js'))         .pipe(gulp.dest('dist')) });  gulp.task('default', ['bower','minifybower']); 

if run got error.

starting 'bower'... [11:23:06] using cwd:  /users/yizhou/documents/yi [11:23:06] using bower dir:  ./bower_components [11:23:06] starting 'minifybower'... [11:23:06] 'minifybower' errored after 1.53 ms [11:23:06] error: bower components directory not exist @ /users/yizhou/documents/yi/bower_components     @ error (native)     @ module.exports (/users/yizhou/documents/yi/node_modules/main-bower-files/lib/index.js:76:71)     @ gulp.<anonymous> (/users/yizhou/documents/yi/gulpfile.js:16:21)     @ module.exports (/users/yizhou/documents/yi/node_modules/gulp/node_modules/orchestrator/lib/runtask.js:34:7)     @ gulp.orchestrator._runtask (/users/yizhou/documents/yi/node_modules/gulp/node_modules/orchestrator/index.js:273:3)     @ gulp.orchestrator._runstep (/users/yizhou/documents/yi/node_modules/gulp/node_modules/orchestrator/index.js:214:10)     @ gulp.orchestrator.start (/users/yizhou/documents/yi/node_modules/gulp/node_modules/orchestrator/index.js:134:8)     @ /usr/local/lib/node_modules/gulp/bin/gulp.js:129:20     @ process._tickcallback (node.js:355:11)     @ function.module.runmain (module.js:503:11) [11:23:06] bower cached git:// [11:23:06] bower validate 2.1.4 against git:// [11:23:07] bower install jquery#2.1.4 [11:23:08] finished 'bower' after 2 s 

gulp runs every task asynchronously default, improve performance. if want run in sequence, need explicit declare dependencies:

gulp.task('minifybower', ['bower'], function() { /* ... */ }); 

now minifybower won't run until bower run. if need more complex stuff, should use run-sequence.


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