javascript - No call function of parent in Reactjs -

i have 2 function in reactjs. when function 1 call function of function two. there have error same

"uncaught typeerror: this.props.onbutonshowclick not function"

this function 1 :

var hiddenedit = react.createclass({     _handleonclick: function(e) {         e.preventdefault(),         this.props.onbutonshowclick(true);     },     render: function() {         return (<span classname="col-lg-2 btn-action-group">             <a classname="add btn-for-view" href={this.props.url_detail} id="btn-add-chapter-123" title="add"></a>             <a classname="edit btn-for-view" onclick={this._handleonclick} id={this.props.id_chapter} title="edit"></a>             <a classname="trash btn-for-delete btn-delete-episode" data-confirm="are sure?" rel="nofollow" data-method="delete" href=""></a>         </span>);     } }); 

and function 2

var chapterlist = react.createclass({     _handleonpaginate: function(pagenumber) {         this.props.inpagenate(pagenumber)     },     getinitialstate: function () {     return {          childvisible: false      }; }, _handleonclick: function(params) {     this.state.childvisible = params; }, render: function() {     var showedit = this.state.childvisible;     var chapternodes =, index) {         var url_chapter_detail = "/admin/chapters/" + chapter.chapter_id + "/chapter_details";         var btn_edit = "btn-edit-chapter-" + chapter.chapter_id;         var href_delete = "/admin/mangas/" + chapter.manga_id + "/chapters/" + chapter.chapter_id;         var div_chapter = "chapter-" + chapter.chapter_id;         return (<div classname="row item-data" id={div_chapter}>             <div classname="text-data-row">                 <input value={chapter.chapter_id} type="hidden" classname="chapter[manga_id]" id="chapter_manga_id" />                 <span classname="col-lg-1">                 <input classname="form-control" disabled="disabled" type="text" value={chapter.chapter_order} name="chapter[chapter_order]" id="chapter_chapter_order" />             </span>             <span classname="col-lg-5">                 <input classname="form-control" disabled="disabled" type="text" value={chapter.chapter_name} name="chapter[chapter_name]" id="chapter_chapter_name" />             </span>             <span classname="col-lg-2">                 <input classname="form-control" disabled="disabled" type="text" value={chapter.by_group} name="chapter[by_group]" id="chapter_by_group" />             </span>             {                 showedit ? <showedit url_detail={url_chapter_detail} id_chapter="btn_edit" /> : <hiddenedit onbutonshowclick={this._handleonclick} url_detail={url_chapter_detail} id_chapter="btn_edit" />              }         </div>     </div>); });  return (<div classname="form-post-movie" id="form-post-movie" role="form">     <div classname="col-lg-12">         <div classname="list-data">             {chapternodes}         </div>     </div> </div> <div classname="div-page">     <paginatorsection totalpages={} currentpage={} onpaginate={this._handleonpaginate} />                          </div> </div>); } }); 

can me solve this?

well, this undefined inside callback of array map. ( docs)

and value passed onbuttonshowclick prop.

<hiddenedit onbutonshowclick={this._handleonclick} url_detail={url_chapter_detail} id_chapter="btn_edit" /> 

you should fix passing this second parameter of map:

var chapternodes =, index) { /*...*/ }, this); 

also, should take @ react's docs dynamic children.


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