crash - Xcode 6.3.2 unexpectedly crashing on App Store submission -

i submit app testflight testers , xcode has crashed 6th consecutive time , still crashing , i'm hanged in middle . suggestions ? thank in advance help.

process:               xcode [1917] path:                  /applications/ identifier:   version:               6.3.2 (7718) build info:            ideframeworks-7718000000000000~2 app item id:           497799835 app external id:       812404257 code type:             x86-64 (native) parent process:        ??? [1] responsible:           xcode [1917] user id:               501  date/time:             2015-06-19 01:33:40.608 +0530 os version:            mac os x 10.11 (15a178w) report version:        11 anonymous uuid:        57e10c47-e9ab-1e21-571f-0266bdeb40a0  sleep/wake uuid:       5bca9bd6-143d-4ad5-99f6-aa65136e904e  time awake since boot: 5500 seconds time since wake:       1000 seconds  crashed thread:        12  dispatch queue: nsoperationqueue 0x7f9c3d58d7d0 :: nsoperation 0x7f9c3ea294e0 (qos: user_initiated)   exception type:        exc_crash (sigabrt)  exception codes:       0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000  exception note:        exc_corpse_notify     0  0x0000000109ceab6a -[ideassertionhandler handlefailureinmethod:object:filename:linenumber:assertionsignature:messageformat:arguments:] (in idekit)   1  0x0000000108a445df _dvtassertionhandler (in dvtfoundation)   2  0x0000000108a448ce _dvtassertionfailurehandler (in dvtfoundation)   3  0x00000001093b848e +[ideissuemanager _issueproviderinfo] (in idefoundation)   4  0x00000001093b7b0d -[ideissuemanager _updateissueproviders] (in idefoundation)   5  0x0000000108a573de __73-[dvtobservingblocktoken observevalueforkeypath:ofobject:change:context:]_block_invoke (in dvtfoundation)   6  0x00000001089ccd5c dvtinvokewithstrongownership (in dvtfoundation)   7  0x000000010887e3e4 -[dvtobservingblocktoken observevalueforkeypath:ofobject:change:context:] (in dvtfoundation)   8  0x00007fff94734508 nskeyvaluenotifyobserver (in foundation)   9  0x00007fff9474107d nskeyvaluedidchange (in foundation)  10  0x00007fff946fa63f -[nsobject(nskeyvalueobservernotification) didchangevalueforkey:] (in foundation)  11  0x00007fff915ba4ff dosetvaluesinsourcewithkvo (in corefoundation)  12  0x00007fff915ba366 _cfxpreferencesreplacevaluesinnamedvolatilesource ( (in corefoundation)  13  0x00007fff948e0a51 -[nsuserdefaults(nsuserdefaults) setvolatiledomain:forname:] (in foundation)  14  0x000000011ef6ea13 -[nsuserdefaults(itunesconnectfoundationextensions) replacement_setvolatiledomain:forname:] (in itunesconnectfoundation)  15  0x000000011ef6ef87 -[nsuserdefaults(itunesconnectfoundationextensions) synchronizeregistrationdomains] (in itunesconnectfoundation)  16  0x000000011ef6ed5d -[nsuserdefaults(itunesconnectfoundationextensions) registerprioritydefaults:] (in itunesconnectfoundation)  17  0x000000011ef6069e -[mzjsonserviceclient processapplicationsettings:] (in itunesconnectfoundation)  18  0x000000011ef60d7d -[mzjsonserviceclient connectiondidfinishloading:] (in itunesconnectfoundation)  19  0x00007fff8a26293e __65-[nsurlconnectioninternal _withconnectionanddelegate:onlyactive:]_block_invoke (in cfnetwork)  20  0x00007fff8a2627b2 -[nsurlconnectioninternal _withconnectionanddelegate:onlyactive:] (in cfnetwork)  21  0x00007fff8a2626b7 -[nsurlconnectioninternal _withactiveconnectionanddelegate:] (in cfnetwork)  22  0x00007fff8a263734 ___zn27urlconnectionclient_classic26_delegate_didfinishloadingeu13block_pointerfvve_block_invoke (in cfnetwork)  23  0x00007fff8a33d7cd ___zn27urlconnectionclient_classic18_withdelegateasyncepkcu13block_pointerfvp16_cfurlconnectionpk33cfurlconnectionclientcurrent_vmaxe_block_invoke_2 (in cfnetwork)  24  0x00007fff85c54383 _dispatch_client_callout (in libdispatch.dylib)   25  0x00007fff85c6a672 _dispatch_block_invoke (in libdispatch.dylib)  26  0x00007fff8a1be8c4 runloopblockcontext::_invoke_block(void const*, void*) (in cfnetwork)  27  0x00007fff915cb594 cfarrayapplyfunction (in corefoundation)  28  0x00007fff8a1be7bd runloopblockcontext::perform() (in cfnetwork)  29  0x00007fff8a1be598 multiplexersource::perform() (in cfnetwork)  30  0x00007fff8a1be3ba multiplexersource::_perform(void*) (in cfnetwork)   vm region summary:  readonly portion of libraries: total=470.7m resident=0k(0%)    swapped_out_or_unallocated=470.7m(100%)  writable regions: total=1.2g written=0k(0%) resident=0k(0%) swapped_out=0k(0%) unallocated=1.2g(100%)     model: macbookpro9,2, bootrom mbp91.00d3.b0a, 2 processors, intel core i5, 2.5 ghz, 4 gb, smc 2.2f44   graphics: intel hd graphics 4000, intel hd graphics 4000, built-in   memory module: bank 0/dimm0, 2 gb, ddr3, 1600 mhz, 0x80ad, 0x484d54333235533643465238432d50422020   memory module: bank 1/dimm0, 2 gb, ddr3, 1600 mhz, 0x80ad,      0x484d54333235533643465238432d50422020   airport: spairport_wireless_card_type_airport_extreme (0x14e4, 0xf5),      broadcom bcm43xx 1.0 (   bluetooth: version 4.4.0d69 15953, 3 services, 27 devices, 1 incoming serial ports   network service: wi-fi, airport, en1   serial ata device: wdc wd10jpvx-22jc3t0, 1 tb   serial ata device: matshitadvd-r   uj-8a8   usb device: usb 2.0 bus   usb device: hub   usb device: facetime hd camera (built-in)   usb device: usb 2.0 bus   usb device: hub   usb device: hub   usb device: apple internal keyboard / trackpad   usb device: ir receiver   usb device: brcm20702 hub     usb device: bluetooth usb host controller usb device: usb 3.0 bus   thunderbolt bus: macbook pro, apple inc., 25.1 

had same issue right now, use application loader

in xcode window --> organizer, click export , save ios app store deployment.

save ipa file somewhere can access open application loader , upload app store


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