visual studio 2013 - How to create transparent Rectangle in Mfc c++? -

i want create rectangle total transparent try code. idea how that?

 bool chtmldlgtestdlg::pretranslatemessage(msg* pmsg)     {          if (pmsg->message == wm_mousemove && (pmsg->wparam & mk_lbutton))         {             cpoint p = pmsg->pt;             screentoclient(&p);             crect r(10, 15, 380, 50);             cdc* pcdc = getdc();             pcdc->rectangle(r);             cbrush brush;               brush.createsolidbrush(rgb(255, 255, 0));             pcdc->fillrect(&r, &brush);                if (r.ptinrect(p))             {                 releasecapture();                 sendmessage(wm_nclbuttondown, htcaption, 0);                 sendmessage(wm_nclbuttonup, htcaption, 0);                 return 1;             }          }         return cdhtmldialog::pretranslatemessage(pmsg);     } 

this mfc c++ code example.

first: how hell want create transparent rectangle, if created solid brush , after did fillrect it?

if wanted using brush, have go 1 "that not paints anything" like:


may wanted rectangle opaque border , transparent interior. in case, in addition null brush, object need create cpen.

cpen p(ps_solid, 0, rgb(255, 255, 0)); pcdc->selectobject(&p); pcdc->rectangle(r); 

secondly, think drawedge function simplest way go if dont' care border color (the colors fixed; search drawedge in google images see mean).


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