spring - NamedEntityGraph Returns All Columns and Objects -

i trying utilize namedentitygraph limit return data specific queries. not want return full object details when listing object. simple class example below.

@entity @table(name="playerreport",schema="dbo")  @namedentitygraphs({ @namedentitygraph(name = "report.simple",         attributenodes =          {@namedattributenode(value="intid")         }         ) }) public class playerreportentity {      @id     @column(name="intid",columndefinition="uniqueidentifier")     private string intid;      @column(name="plyid",columndefinition="uniqueidentifier")     @basic(fetch=fetchtype.lazy)     private string plyid;      @manytoone(fetch=fetchtype.lazy)     @joincolumn(name = "plyid", insertable=false,updatable=false)     private playerentity player; 

no matter plyid , player returned. there way return requested columns (intid) ?

as collection hibernate not join player object still returns player null. part working extent.

i using jparepository below generate crud statements me

public interface playerreportrepository extends jparepository<playerreportentity, string> {  @entitygraph(value="report.simple") list<playerintelentity> findbyplyid(@param(value = "playerid") string playerid);  @override @entitygraph(value="report.simple") public playerintelentity findone(string id); 


a chunk of text here - "hence seems @namedentitygraph affects fields collections, fields not collection loaded." from jira

please use example 47 on this page , use repositories accordingly. in essence, hibernate right loading feilds in class , collections work if follow example stated above.



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