sql - Searching for Processor and other information with Active Directory Search in Visual Basic -

so i'm writing script in vb scan network , return information on of computers finds. far i've been able computer names , os information. have:

set objcommand.activeconnection = objconnection objcommand.commandtext = _     "select name, operatingsystem, operatingsystemversion, operatingsystemservicepack 'ldap://dc=mydomain,dc=com' " _         & "where objectclass='computer'"   objcommand.properties("page size") = 1000 objcommand.properties("searchscope") = ads_scope_subtree  set objrecordset = objcommand.execute 

unfortunately, resources on specific terminology grab information make, model, processor data, memory data, internet browser info, , forth has been hard find. know more me? thanks.


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