types - Scala: Generic Method -

i can not find solution problem:

this trait:

trait basicrepository[schema <: table[entity] identifiable[entity], entity]  

and this:

trait profilepartrepository[schema <: table[entity] profilepart[entity], entity]  

this object:

 object phonenumberrepository extends basicrepository[phonenumbers, phonenumber] profilepartrepository[phonenumbers, phonenumber] { 

and method:

def insertprofilepart[schema <: table[entity] identifiable[entity], entity](repository: basicrepository[schema, entity], entities: seq[entity]) : seq[future[int]] 

the method not compile. think can see achieve. signature have like?

edit: not care "schema" in method, has valid basicrepository.

edit2: compilation error (when calling method, agnosticdriver.api being slick.driver.jdbcdriver):

 inferred type arguments [persistence.slickschemas.phonenumbers,product serializable] not conform method insertprofilepart's type parameter bounds [schema <: persistence.agnosticdriver.api.table[entity] persistence.slickschemas.identifiable[entity],entity] 

so comments. stupid read think easy failures.

i passed wrong arguments "insertprofilepart" ...


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