z3 - z3py: How to improve the time efficiency of the following code -

this simplified code using similar implementation idea z3py code problem trying solve more complex , takes 1 minute run.

the intuition of following code translate array of integers in inputarray array of months defined enumsort, infer model of montharray.

from z3 import * s = solver()  month,(jan,feb,mar,apr,may,jun,jul,aug,sep,oct,nov,dec)=enumsort('month',['jan','feb','mar','apr','may','jun','jul','aug','sep','oct','nov','dec']) montharray = array('montharray',intsort(), month) inputarray = array('inputarray',intsort(),intsort()) temparray = array('temparray',intsort(),intsort())  intarray = [1,3,6,7,8,3,5,6,3,12,11,5,2,5,7,3,7,3,2,7,12,4,5,1,10,9] idx,num in enumerate(intarray):     temparray = store(temparray,idx,num)  s.add(inputarray==temparray)  length = int('length') s.add(length == len(intarray)) = int('i') s.add(forall(i,implies(and(i>=0,i<length),and(     implies(inputarray[i]==1,montharray[i]==jan),     implies(inputarray[i]==2,montharray[i]==feb),     implies(inputarray[i]==3,montharray[i]==mar),     implies(inputarray[i]==4,montharray[i]==apr),     implies(inputarray[i]==5,montharray[i]==may),     implies(inputarray[i]==6,montharray[i]==jun),     implies(inputarray[i]==7,montharray[i]==jul),     implies(inputarray[i]==8,montharray[i]==aug),     implies(inputarray[i]==9,montharray[i]==sep),     implies(inputarray[i]==10,montharray[i]==oct),     implies(inputarray[i]==11,montharray[i]==nov),     implies(inputarray[i]==12,montharray[i]==dec)     ))))  print s.check() print s.model() 

could give me suggestions ways improve time efficiency using code example? thanks.

edit: smt language output calling solver.to_smt2()

(set-info :status unknown) (declare-datatypes () ((month (jan ) (feb ) (mar ) (apr ) (may ) (jun ) (jul ) (aug ) (sep ) (oct ) (nov ) (dec )))) (declare-fun inputarray () (array int int)) (declare-fun length () int) (declare-fun montharray () (array int month)) (assert (= (select inputarray 0) 1)) (assert (= (select inputarray 1) 3)) (assert (= (select inputarray 2) 6)) (assert (= (select inputarray 3) 7)) (assert (= (select inputarray 4) 8)) (assert (= (select inputarray 5) 3)) (assert (= (select inputarray 6) 5)) (assert (= (select inputarray 7) 6)) (assert (= (select inputarray 8) 3)) (assert (= (select inputarray 9) 12)) (assert (= (select inputarray 10) 11)) (assert (= (select inputarray 11) 5)) (assert (= (select inputarray 12) 2)) (assert (= (select inputarray 13) 5)) (assert (= (select inputarray 14) 7)) (assert (= (select inputarray 15) 3)) (assert (= (select inputarray 16) 7)) (assert (= (select inputarray 17) 3)) (assert (= (select inputarray 18) 2)) (assert (= (select inputarray 19) 7)) (assert (= (select inputarray 20) 12)) (assert (= (select inputarray 21) 4)) (assert (= (select inputarray 22) 5)) (assert (= (select inputarray 23) 1)) (assert (= (select inputarray 24) 10)) (assert (= (select inputarray 25) 9)) (assert (= length 26)) (assert (forall ((i int) )(let (($x172 (=> (= (select inputarray i) 12) (= (select montharray i) dec)))) (let (($x175 (=> (= (select inputarray i) 11) (= (select montharray i) nov)))) (let (($x178 (=> (= (select inputarray i) 10) (= (select montharray i) oct)))) (let (($x181 (=> (= (select inputarray i) 9) (= (select montharray i) sep)))) (let (($x184 (=> (= (select inputarray i) 8) (= (select montharray i) aug)))) (let (($x187 (=> (= (select inputarray i) 7) (= (select montharray i) jul)))) (let (($x190 (=> (= (select inputarray i) 6) (= (select montharray i) jun)))) (let (($x193 (=> (= (select inputarray i) 5) (= (select montharray i) may)))) (let (($x196 (=> (= (select inputarray i) 4) (= (select montharray i) apr)))) (let (($x199 (=> (= (select inputarray i) 3) (= (select montharray i) mar)))) (let (($x202 (=> (= (select inputarray i) 2) (= (select montharray i) feb)))) (let (($x205 (=> (= (select inputarray i) 1) (= (select montharray i) jan)))) (=> (and (>= 0) (< length)) (and $x205 $x202 $x199 $x196 $x193 $x190 $x187 $x184 $x181 $x178 $x175 $x172))))))))))))))) ) (check-sat) 

i find using 'qflia' (quantifier-free linear integer arithmetic) solver, instead of general solver 'solver()', improve efficiency 3x in case.


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