bluetooth lowenergy - android device.getUuids returns null -

i'm trying connect arduino uno via android app using bluetooth low energy (ble).
i'm developing on android studio, testing samsung galaxy s4, , android version 5.0.1
i followed link:
i'm scanning devices , when found one, it's uuid before connecting it, make sure it's right type of device:

mscancallback = new scancallback() {         @override         @targetapi(21)         public void onscanresult(int callbacktype, scanresult result) {             bluetoothdevice btdevice = result.getdevice();             parceluuid[] uuids = btdevice.getuuids(); //<-- null!! :(              log.d(tag, ""+btdevice.fetchuuidswithsdp()); //<-- prints true.             log.d(tag, "result : " + result.tostring()); //<-- prints bunch of relevant info contains uuid want check.             log.d(tag, "uuids : " + uuids); //<-- prints null.             /*             (parceluuid u : uuids) {                 //compare uuid of device, , connect if ok.             }             */         } 

however, btdevice.getuuids(); returning null no error...
how can uuid of scanned device?
brute force method use regexp result.tostring() grab want there must better way isn't it?

 bluetoothlescanner scanner = mbluetoothadapter.getbluetoothlescanner();  // scan devices  scanner.startscan(new scancallback() {  @targetapi(build.version_codes.lollipop)  @override  public void onscanresult(int callbacktype, scanresult result)     {       list<parceluuid> uuids = result.getscanrecord().getserviceuuids();    } } 

this worked me in android 6.0.1


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