javascript - Form validates even when validations fail -

hello need one. seems application still gives output if validation fails. have tried many ways edit codes no avail form still allows submissions , gives output.

i need form able validate upon submission , if there 1 fail validation or error form should not submit , gives output. alerts. need validation. there should alerts if validation fails , form should not submit output. please me this. please see form below. in advance.

<html>  <head> <title>hello , javascript</title> <script>  function doclear() { document.pizzaform.customer.value = ""; document.pizzaform.address.value = ""; = ""; document.pizzaform.state.value = "pa"; = ""; = ""; = "";  document.pizzaform.sizes[0].checked = false; document.pizzaform.sizes[1].checked = false; document.pizzaform.sizes[2].checked = false; document.pizzaform.sizes[3].checked = false;  document.pizzaform.toppings[0].checked = false; document.pizzaform.toppings[1].checked = false; document.pizzaform.toppings[2].checked = false; document.pizzaform.toppings[3].checked = false; document.pizzaform.toppings[4].checked = false; document.pizzaform.toppings[5].checked = false; document.pizzaform.toppings[6].checked = false; document.pizzaform.toppings[7].checked = false; document.pizzaform.toppings[8].checked = false; return; }  function dosubmit()   { if (validatetext() == false) if (validateradio() == false) if (validatetops() == false) { return; }  function capitalizestring(stringtocapitalize) {     var words = stringtocapitalize.split(' ');     (var i=0, il=words.length; i<il; i++) {         if (words[i].length > 0) {             words[i] = words[i].charat(0).touppercase()                        + words[i].substring(1, words[i].length);         }     }     return words.join(' '); }  var toppings = "";     for(i=0;i<document.pizzaform.toppings.length;i++){         if(document.pizzaform.toppings[i].checked)             toppings += (i==0?"":",")+document.pizzaform.toppings[i].value;     }  /*this alerts tells order form complete , list customer information such name address etc on new page.*/ var orderwindow orderwindow ="","","status,height=500,width=500"); orderwindow.focus(); (orderwindow.document)  { write("<h1><center>customer order summary</center></h1><p>") write("name:" + capitalizestring(document.pizzaform.customer.value) + "<br>") write("address:" + document.pizzaform.address.value + "<br>") write("city:" + capitalizestring( + "<br>") write("state:" + document.pizzaform.state.value + "<br>") write("zip code:" + + "<br>") write("phone number:" + + "<br>") write("e-mail:" + + "<br>") write("pizza size:" + document.pizzaform.sizes.value + "<br>") write("toppings:" + toppings + "<br>") write("<h3><center>thank order.</center></h3><p>") } return; }  function validatetext()  {  if (document.pizzaform.customer.value == "")  {    alert("please enter name");    document.pizzaform.customer.focus();   }  if (document.pizzaform.address.value == "")  {    alert("please enter address.");    document.pizzaform.address.focus();   }  if ( == "") {    alert("please enter city.");  }  if (document.pizzaform.state.value == "") {    alert("please enter state.");   }  if ( == "" ||    isnan( ) || != 5 )  {    alert("please provide valid zip code."); ;   }        if (!/^\(?([0-9]{3})\)?[-. ]?([0-9]{3})[-. ]?([0-9]{4})$/.test({     alert("please provide valid phone number.");;  }  var email =;    if(!(/^[a-za-z][\w\.-]*[a-za-z0-9]@[a-za-z0-9][\w\.-]*[a-za-z0-9]\.[a-za-z][a-za-z\.]*[a-za-z]$/.test(email))){    alert('please enter valid e-mail address'); ;    return false;     }     return true; }   function validateradio()/*this function validates radio selection*/ {     for(i=0;i<document.pizzaform.sizes.length;i++)         if(document.pizzaform.sizes[i].checked)         return document.pizzaform.sizes[i].value;     alert("please choose size of order.");     return false; }  function validatetops()/*this function validates toppings.*/ {     if (document.pizzaform.toppings[0].checked == false &&         document.pizzaform.toppings[1].checked == false &&         document.pizzaform.toppings[2].checked == false &&         document.pizzaform.toppings[3].checked == false &&         document.pizzaform.toppings[4].checked == false &&         document.pizzaform.toppings[5].checked == false &&         document.pizzaform.toppings[6].checked == false &&         document.pizzaform.toppings[7].checked == false &&         document.pizzaform.toppings[8].checked == false)         {           alert("please select topping of choice.");           return false;         }         return true; }   </script>  </head>   <body bgcolor="#efefcf">  <div align="center">  <pre><h2>pizza menu prices                                            today's selection</h2></pre> <iframe name="left" src="prices.html" width="40%" height="380" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe>  <iframe name="right" src="images.html" width="35%" height="380" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe>   <form name ="pizzaform"> <h1>the javascript pizza parlor</h> <p> <h4> step 1: enter name, address, city, state, phone, zip, , email:</h4> <font face="courier new"> name:  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input name="customer" size="50" type="text"><br> address:&nbsp;<input name="address" size="50" type="text"><br> city: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input name="city" size="16"type="text"> state:<select name="state"  id="selection">        <option value="select state"></option>       <option>pa</option>       <option>nj</option>       <option>ny</option>       <option>de</option>       </select> &nbsp;zip:<input name="zip" size="8"type="text"><br> phone:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input name="phone" size="50"type="text"><br> email:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input name="email" size="50"type="text"><br> </font> </p> <p> <h4> step 2: select size of pizza want:</h4> <font face="courier new"> <input name="sizes" type="radio" value="small">small <input name="sizes" type="radio" value="medium">medium <input name="sizes" type="radio" value="large">large <input name="sizes" type="radio" value="jumbo">jumbo<br> </font> </p> <p> <h4> step 3: select pizza toppings want:</h4> <font face="courier new"> <input name="toppings" type="checkbox" value="pepperoni">pepperoni <input name="toppings" type="checkbox" value="canadian bacon">canadian bacon <input name="toppings" type="checkbox" value="sausage">sausage<br> <input name="toppings" type="checkbox" value="mushrooms">mushrooms <input name="toppings" type="checkbox" value="pineapple">pineapple <input name="toppings" type="checkbox" value="black olives">black olives<br> <input name="toppings" type="checkbox" value="green peppers">green peppers <input name="toppings" type="checkbox" value="extra cheese">extra cheese <input name="toppings" type="checkbox" value="plain">plain </font> </p>  <input type="button" value="submit order" onclick="dosubmit()"> <input type="button" value="clear entries" onclick="doclear()"> </form> </div> </body> </html> 

the problem these 3 lines:

if (validatetext() == false) if (validateradio() == false) if (validatetops() == false) { return; } 

which mean:

if (validatetext() == false)   if (validateradio() == false)     if (validatetops() == false)     {       return;     } 

so if of validations fail exit function early, if 1 of them passes form submit. change to:

if (validatetext() == false || validateradio() == false || validatetops() == false) {   return; } 


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