android - How to use the string from editText as display textview in another activity? -

i want use string typed in edittext textview in new activity.

sub6 = (edittext)findviewbyid(;         txt6 = (textview)findviewbyid(;         subject = (string) sub6.gettext().tostring();         txt6.settext(getresources().getstring(; 

i have used code. of no use. can please me?

you can send string using bundle

intent i=new intent(a.this, b.class);                             bundle b = new bundle();             b.putstring("name", sub6.gettext().tostring());                        i.putextras(b);             startactivity(i); 

and in receiving activity:

bundle extras = getintent().getextras();  string text = extras.getstring("name"); 


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