android - Library resources with Robolectric 3 - JodaTime -

getting resourcenotfoundexception when using library robolectic 3.0-rc3. resource declared in build.gradle compile 'net.danlew:android.joda:2.8.0'. android port of joda-time.

android.content.res.resources$notfoundexception: unable find resource id #0x7f0501da @ org.robolectric.shadows.shadowresources.checkresname( @ org.robolectric.shadows.shadowresources.getresname( @ org.robolectric.shadows.shadowresources.openrawresource( @ android.content.res.resources.openrawresource( @ @<init>( 

application class:

@override public void oncreate() {     super.oncreate();         jodatime.init(this); } 

my test class:

@runwith(robolectricgradletestrunner.class) @config(constants = buildconfig.class,     sdk = 21) public class mytest {  @before public void setup() {  }  @test public void mytest() { //test stuff } 


you need initialise library in tests, robolectric runtime environment. add setup() methods.


so test this:

@runwith(robolectricgradletestrunner.class) @config(constants = buildconfig.class, sdk = 21) public class myapplicationtest {      @before     public void setup() {         jodatimeandroid.init(runtimeenvironment.application);     }      @test     public void mytest() {         //test stuff         datetime adatetime = new datetime();         datetime bdatetime = new datetime(adatetime);         assertequals(adatetime, bdatetime);     } } 


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