vb.net - table.keyfield=table.field2 gives (0x80131904): An expression of non-boolean type specified in a context where a condition is expected -

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i have been struggling hours today , have not been able find on web.

i have vb.net program runs query string read configuration file needs configurable (not problem). queries work fine below code long there no clause '=' isn't boolean. (ex table1.fieldkey=table2.key)

i error: system.data.sqlclient.sqlexception (0x80131904): expression of non-boolean type specified in context condition expected, near 'key'.


public sub doquery() dim cn new sqlconnection(), cmd new sqlcommand(), schematable datatable, myreader sqldatareader, myadapter new sqldataadapter()     dim myfield datarow, myproperty datacolumn     dim j integer = 0     dim queryoutput new datatable     'open connection sql server     cn.connectionstring = connectstring     cn.open()     'retrieve records     cmd.connection = cn     cmd.commandtext = query     try         myreader = cmd.executereader()     catch ex exception         writelog("an error occured. check sql query" & chr(13) & ex.tostring)         exit sub     end try using cn         myadapter.selectcommand = cmd         myadapter.fill(queryoutput)     end using cn.close() end sub 


select ta.[key], ta.name, ta.currentstationkey station, te.discriminator type, ta.material, ta.materialdescription  trackedassets ta, trackingevents te  ta.[key]=te.assetkey  

what doing wrong? seems connection string can't handle field=field.


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