Clearing current WebView Content and reloading a different content in JavaFX -

i have webview displays html page, maingraph.html, , execute javascript function "false" parameter. on clicking 1 of menuitems, want same javascript function called "true" parameter.

when menuitem selected, there 2 outputs of same javascript instead of latest 1 replacing older one.

public class analysiscontroller implements initializable {    public void displaymaingraph(webengine wemaingraph, boolean pblnfisheyelens) {         system.out.println("analysiscontroller.displaymaingraph(): called");         string strdatafile = strcurrentinputfile + ".json";         final url urlloadmaingraph = getclass().getresource("html/maingraph.html");                         wemaingraph.getloadworker().stateproperty().addlistener((ov, oldstate, newstate) -> {             if (newstate == state.succeeded) {                 wemaingraph.executescript(" doeverything(' "+strdatafile+" ', "+pblnfisheyelens+") ");             }         });         wemaingraph.load(urlloadmaingraph.toexternalform());             }     } 

and place invoking function based on menuitem click.

public class menuitemfisheyelens extends welcomemenubar.menuitemgeneric implements imenuitem{      public menuitemfisheyelens(string pstrmenuitemdisplay, string pstrmenuitemclass, string pstrmenuitemiconpath) {         super(pstrmenuitemdisplay, pstrmenuitemclass, pstrmenuitemiconpath);     }      @override     public void click(tabpane ptabpane, analysiscontroller pcontroller, boolean pblnselected) {         string strcallingmethod = " ";                   pcontroller.displaymaingraph(pcontroller.getcurrentwebengine(), pblnselected);         system.out.println(strcallingmethod+"end");     } } 

when menuitem clicked, output shows 2 same graphs, first 1 pblnfisheyelens value = false , second 1 true. output end  thi called parameter: false  analysiscontroller.displaymaingraph(): called displaymaingraph(): test1.meerkat fisheyelens parameter: true end thi called parameter: false thi called parameter: true 


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