sorting - Emberjs advanced sort hasMany association as a computed property -

i have asked variant of question here. need create computed property operated on hasmany association. need sorting similar javascript sort function; can

files = ["file 5", "file 1", "file 3", "file 2"]; files.sort(function(a,b){   return parseint(b.split(' ').pop()) - parseint(a.split(' ').pop()) }); 


["file 5", "file 3", "file 2", "file 1"] 

here jsbin:,js,output

any appreciated.

note: jsbin presently not working correctly (for reasons other question). have posted question here. did not want hold answer question.

update 1

thanks @engma. implemented instructions. matter of fact, copied , pasted posted. new jsbin.,js,output

i still not sorted, though. , if did, still not have sorted way it.

i need following: (below errors when try implement in code, not jsbin, since can not jsbin work)

  sortedfiles: function(){     return this.get('files').sort(function(a,b){       return parseint(b.split(' ').pop()) - parseint(a.split(' ').pop());     });   }.property('') 

when following error:

uncaught typeerror: this.get(...).sort not function 

so since this.get('files') returns promise, figured try this;

  sortedfiles: function(){     return this.get('files').then(function(files){       return files.sort(function(a,b){         return parseint(b.split(' ').pop()) - parseint(a.split(' ').pop());       });     });   }.property('') 

but following error:

uncaught error: assertion failed: value #each loops on must array. passed {_id: 243, _label: undefined, _state: undefined, _result: undefined, _subscribers: } 

btw, using emberjs v1.11.0

and, sortby using ember-cli/node_modules/bower-config/node_modules/mout/array/sortby.js

here code it

var sort = require('./sort'); var makeiterator = require('../function/makeiterator_');      /*      * sort array result of callback      */     function sortby(arr, callback, context){         callback = makeiterator(callback, context);          return sort(arr, function(a, b) {             = callback(a);             b = callback(b);             return (a < b) ? -1 : ((a > b) ? 1 : 0);         });     }      module.exports = sortby; 

update 2

so answer question how emberjs advanced sort hasmany association computed property; had change

  this.get('files').sort(function(a,b){       ...   });    return this.get('files').toarray().sort(function(a,b){     ...   }); 

this allowed me use javascript sort , return desired sorted objects.

ok first of jsbin had many issues lets go throw them 1 one

1- did not include ember-data build, included 1, needed fixtures , models

<script src=""></script> 

2- scripts

var app = = ember.application.create({ }); //first how register adapter app.applicationadapter = ds.fixtureadapter.extend({});  app.indexroute = ember.route.extend({   model: function() {     //second find pass in id using 1     //if want folders use findall()     return'folder',1);   }  });  app.indexcontroller = ember.controller.extend({  }); { });  app.folder = ds.model.extend({   name: ds.attr('string'),   files:  ds.hasmany('file',{async:true}),   sortedfiles: function(){     //sorty has no second parameter, if need more sorting power, self     return this.get('files').sortby('name');   }.property('')  });  app.file = ds.model.extend({   name: ds.attr('string'),   folder: ds.belongsto('folder',{async:true}) });  app.file.fixtures = [   {     id: 1,     name: 'file 5',     folder:1   },   {     id: 2,     name: 'file 1',     folder:1   },   {     id: 3,     name: 'file 3',     folder:1   },   {     id: 4,     name: 'file 2',     folder:2   },   {     id: 5,     name: 'file 6',     folder:2   },   {     id: 6,     name: 'file 4',     folder:2   } ];   app.folder.fixtures = [   {      id: 1,     name: 'folder 1',     files:[1,2,3]   },   {     id: 2,     name: 'folder 2',     files:[4,5,6]   } ]; 

your template:

<div>    folders: <br>   <ul>    <li>      name: {{}} <br>      files:      {{!-- here access sorted files property in model--}}      {{#each file in model.sortedfiles}}        {{}} <br/>      {{/each}}   </li>  </ul> </div> 


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