javascript - how to make jquery autocomplete simplify -

i use jquery autocomplete , code, call plugin, not good. there more simple way call jquery autocomplete


$(document).ready(function(){  $("#m_occupation").autocomplete("search/moccupation.php", {         selectfirst: true  });  $("#foccupation").autocomplete("search/f_occupation.php", {         selectfirst: true  });  $("#g_address").autocomplete("search/g_address.php", {         selectfirst: true  });  $("#relationship").autocomplete("search/relationship.php", {         selectfirst: true  }); }); 

what you've got isn't terrible. if you're ever initializing these autocompletes 1 time, it's pretty readable overall, although have repetition.

  1. cache jquery objects future use. in snippet above, reference each jquery object (e.g., $("#m_occupation") ) once, in real webapp, there's pretty chance you'll use more. caching helps reduce number of jquery finding operations, , practice adopt though it's not increase performance user noticeably.

  2. cache options objects. you're repeating option declaration multiple times; declare single autocompleteoptions object , done it.

  3. refactor initialization function. if you're feeling autocomplete initialization ugly, or complex, or subject frequent edits, make single function. future global edits initialization can made 1 time rather multiple times.

a redo of code taking account like:

var initautocomplete = function($el, dataurl) {   var autocompleteoptions = { selectfirst: true };   $el.autocomplete(dataurl, autocompleteoptions); };  $(document).ready(function(){   var $m_occupation, $foccupation, $g_address, $relationship;    $m_occupation = $('#m_occupation');   initautocomplete($m_occupation, "search/moccupation.php");    $foccupation = $('#foccupation');   initautocomplete($foccupation, "search/f_occupation.php");    $g_address = $('#g_address');   initautocomplete($g_address, "search/g_address.php");    $relationship = $('#relationship');   initautocomplete($relationship, "search/relationship.php"); }); 

you technically optimize further using single string represent dom id , url gather data, in experience, breaks down in maintenance. wouldn't couple tightly.


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