creating single array as a data source from different scene in iOS using Objective C -

i trying develop ios app has different scene of them sharing single data source nsmutablearray (dataarray). possible modify ie add / delete items array of different scenes.


i know how modify/add/delete array single scene (viewcontroller ui).

simply create singleton class similar this... i.e if using arc.


@interface myglobaldata : nsobject  {    nsmutablearray *mydata; }  @property (nonatomic, retain) nsmutablearray *mydata; + (id)sharedmanager; @end 


@implementation myglobaldata @synthesize mydata;  + (id)sharedmanager  {     static myglobaldata *shareddata = nil;     @synchronized(self)      {        if (shareddata == nil)         shareddata = [[self alloc] init];     }     return shareddata;  }   - (id)init   {     if (self = [super init])      {        mydata = [[nsmutablearray alloc] init];     }     return self;  }   - (void)dealloc {}  @end 

your scene controller

-somemethod() {    myglobaldata *sharedobject = [myglobaldata sharedmanager]; } 

your scene n controller

-somemethod() {    myglobaldata *sharedmanager = [myglobaldata sharedmanager]; } 

note: can use gcd in sharedmanager i'll leave you. figure out. implementation bit different if not using arc in project.


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