.net - Edit a excel file while Exporting data from ms access to other excel file using c# without error occur -

i wrote program export data ms access excel. working properly. there error occur while editing or open other excel files. how solve error.

" exception hresult: 0x800ac472 "

private void writeexcel(system.data.datatable dt, string filename)     {         microsoft.office.interop.excel.applicationclass excel = new applicationclass();         microsoft.office.interop.excel.workbook wb = excel.workbooks.add(true);         microsoft.office.interop.excel.worksheet wsht;         int colid = 0;         int rowid = 0;         wsht = (microsoft.office.interop.excel.worksheet)wb.sheets[1];         range rng = wsht.get_range("a1", "iv" + (dt.rows.count + 1).tostring());         rng.numberformat = "@";         //fill column heading         foreach (datacolumn col in dt.columns)         {             colid++;                      excel.cells[1, colid] = col.columnname;                }         }          //fill row values         foreach (datarow dr in dt.rows)         {             rowid++;             colid = 0;             foreach (datacolumn col in dt.columns)             {                 colid++;                 excel.cells[rowid + 1, colid] = dr[col.columnname];                                 }         }         wsht.activate();         int rcount = wsht.usedrange.rows.count;         rng = wsht.get_range("d1", "iv" + rcount.tostring());         rng.numberformat = "@";         wb.saveas(filename, microsoft.office.interop.excel.xlfileformat.xlworkbooknormal, "", "", false, false, microsoft.office.interop.excel.xlsaveasaccessmode.xlnochange, false, true, true, true, 1);         excel.quit();     } 


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