php - sending email from laravel using another "from" header -

blahblahhi know how set part of email. in config email can set there want use e.g. code below doesn't work tho

mail::send('emails.auth.activate', array('link' => url::route('account-activate', $code), 'username' => $username), function($message) use ($user) {     $message->from('', 'activate account');     $message->to($user->email, $user->username)->subject('activate account'); }); 

i want able use instead of using configuration setting in mail.php

when use $message->from('', 'activate account'); still shows gmail account instead of

<?php  return array(      /*     |--------------------------------------------------------------------------     | mail driver     |--------------------------------------------------------------------------     |     | laravel supports both smtp , php's "mail" function drivers     | sending of e-mail. may specify 1 you're using throughout     | application here. default, laravel setup smtp mail.     |     | supported: "smtp", "mail", "sendmail", "mailgun", "mandrill", "log"     |     */      'driver' => 'smtp',      /*     |--------------------------------------------------------------------------     | smtp host address     |--------------------------------------------------------------------------     |     | here may provide host address of smtp server used     | applications. default option provided compatible     | mailgun mail service provide reliable deliveries.     |     */      'host' => '',      /*     |--------------------------------------------------------------------------     | smtp host port     |--------------------------------------------------------------------------     |     | smtp port used application deliver e-mails     | users of application. host have set value     | stay compatible mailgun e-mail application default.     |     */      'port' => 587,      /*     |--------------------------------------------------------------------------     | global "from" address     |--------------------------------------------------------------------------     |     | may wish e-mails sent application sent     | same address. here, may specify name , address     | used globally e-mails sent application.     |     */      'from' => array('address' => '', 'name' => 'superstore'),      /*     |--------------------------------------------------------------------------     | e-mail encryption protocol     |--------------------------------------------------------------------------     |     | here may specify encryption protocol should used when     | application send e-mail messages. sensible default using     | transport layer security protocol should provide great security.     |     */      'encryption' => 'tls',      /*     |--------------------------------------------------------------------------     | smtp server username     |--------------------------------------------------------------------------     |     | if smtp server requires username authentication, should     | set here. used authenticate server on     | connection. may set "password" value below one.     |     */      'username' => '',      /*     |--------------------------------------------------------------------------     | smtp server password     |--------------------------------------------------------------------------     |     | here may set password required smtp server send out     | messages application. given server on     | connection application able send messages.     |     */      'password' => '**********',      /*     |--------------------------------------------------------------------------     | sendmail system path     |--------------------------------------------------------------------------     |     | when using "sendmail" driver send e-mails, need know     | path sendmail lives on server. default path has     | been provided here, work on of systems.     |     */      'sendmail' => '/usr/sbin/sendmail -bs',      /*     |--------------------------------------------------------------------------     | mail "pretend"     |--------------------------------------------------------------------------     |     | when option enabled, e-mail not sent on     | web , instead written application's logs files     | may inspect message. great local development.     |     */      'pretend' => false,  ); 

you cannot trigger email cross-domain


if have smtp configured gmail , cannot send mail other domains.

this related email spoofing not allowed.

you can send emails domain have configured in mail.php.

doc laravel mail here

full transcript of chat might future readers


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