c# - How do I remove elements from a table? -

allow me explain situation.

i have table in database represented in model by

   public table<linkdate> dates;     [table(name = "dates")]    public class linkdate    {        public linkdate()        {         }         [column(isprimarykey = true)]        public string linkguid { get; set; }        [column]        public datetime dtime { get; set; }     } 

which records day/time ids generated. these ids associated 1 or more files in table represented

[table( name = "links")] public class assetlink {     public assetlink()     {      }      [column(isprimarykey = true, isdbgenerated = true)]     public int linkid { get; set; }     [column]     public string linkguid { get; set; }     [column]     public int fileid { get; set; }  } 

i'm adding functionality in web application user can delete links on number of days old. means if such links exist, deleting rows both links , dates.

the action i've started create is

    [httppost]     public actionresult flushlinks (string numdaysold)     {         // deletes database references links submitted on numdaysold days ago          datetime currentdatetime = datetime.now;         foreach (linkdate thislinkdate in pd.dates)         {             timespan thistimespan = new timespan(convert.toint16(numdaysold), 0, 0, 0);             if ((currentdatetime - thislinkdate.dtime) > thistimespan)             {                  // ...             }          }          try          {             pd.submitchanges();         }         catch (exception ex)         {             return content(ex.message, "text/html");         }          // if here, went         return content("successfully removed old links!", "text/html");     } 

and need filling out // ... part because don't know how to, , can't see documentation way to, delete rows. i'm trying equivalent of

 pd.links.remove(x => x.linkguid == thislinkdate.linkguid); // need if possible  thislinkdate.remove() // , need if possible 

what need do?

also, please let me know bugs see in procedure.

edit: think figured out myself:

foreach (assetlink thislink in pd.links) if (thislink.linkguid == thislinkdate.linkguid) pd.links.deleteonsubmit(thislink); pd.dates.deleteonsubmit(thislinkdate);  

if that's wrong, let me know

try replacing foreach loop this.

datetime currentdatetime = datetime.now; timespan thistimespan = new timespan(convert.toint16(numdaysold), 0, 0, 0); var delete_list = pd.dates.where(x => (currentdatetime - x.dtime) > thistimespan) pd.dates.removerange(delete_list); 


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