objective c - Problems with the loop of the array -

i new in ios. making app in getting data parse back-end working fine. application order , delivery of food. have cart add items. if product in cart added again, should increase quantity , not create 1 in basket. tried implement aid of loop not working should. product added instead of increasing quantity. hope assistance.

+ (void)additem:(pfobject *)item {  cart *cart = [cart sharedinstance];  (nsuinteger = 0; < [cart.items count]; i++) {     if ([item valueforkey:@"objectid"] == [cart.items[i] valueforkey:@"objectid"]) {          nsdecimalnumber *sumqtynew = [nsdecimalnumber decimalnumberwithmantissa:1 exponent:0 isnegative:no];         nsdecimalnumber *sumqty = [nsdecimalnumber decimalnumberwithmantissa:1 exponent:0 isnegative:no];          sumqtynew = [item valueforkey:@"qty"];         sumqty =  [cart.items[i] valueforkey:@"qty"];         sumqty = [sumqty decimalnumberbyadding:sumqtynew];          [[cart.items[i] valueforkey:@"objectid"] setobject:sumqty forkey:@"qty"];      }     else {         [cart.items addobject:item];     } }  nsdecimalnumber *plus = [[nsdecimalnumber alloc]initwithstring:[item objectforkey:@"price"]]; cart.totalprice = [cart.totalprice decimalnumberbyadding:plus]; 


if had use cart.items nsmutalbearray, here answer

+ (void)additem:(pfobject *)item {     cart *cart = [cart sharedinstance];     nsmutablearray * cartitems = cart.items     nsstring *objectid = [item valueforkey:@"objectid"];      nspredicate *predicate = [nspredicate predicatewithformat:@"objectid = %@", objectid];     pfobject *existingitem = [[cartitems filteredarrayusingpredicate:predicate] firstobject];      if (existingitem == nil){         [cartitems addobject:item];     } else {         int sumqty = [[existingitem valueforkey:@"qty"] intvalue] + [[item valueforkey:@"qty"] intvalue];         [existingitem setobject:[nsnumber numberwithint:sumqty] forkey:@"qty"];     } } 


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