login - Google SignIn State -

i'm trying build google signin button website. i'm trying avoid using built-in button. code below works sign in user, can't figure out how make webpage remember they're signed in when user refreshes page, or leaves site , comes back.

using chrome's developer tools, can see there's entry https://accounts.google.com under both local storage , session storage. seem more or less contain same information, including user's validated token.

what don't understand how gapi.auth2.init() function recognize , use token. documentation doesn't seem cover it.

<html>     <head>         <title>login test</title>         <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.1.4.js"></script>         <script src="https://apis.google.com/js/platform.js?onload=renderbutton" async defer></script>     </head>      <script>         var googleuser = {};         function renderbutton() {             gapi.load('auth2', function(){                 auth2 = gapi.auth2.init({                     client_id: 'my_credentials.apps.googleusercontent.com',                 });                 attachsignin(document.getelementbyid('custombtn'));             });         };          function attachsignin(element) {             auth2.attachclickhandler(element, {},                 function(googleuser) {                     document.getelementbyid('name').innertext = "signed in: " +                         googleuser.getbasicprofile().getname();                 }, function(error) {                     alert(json.stringify(error, undefined, 2));                 }             );         }     </script>      <body>         <div id="gsigninwrapper">             <span class="label">sign in with:</span>             <input type="button" id="custombtn" value="google"></input>         </div>         <p id="name"></p>     </body> </html> 

you can use listeners. relevant part:

// listen sign-in state changes. auth2.issignedin.listen(signinchanged);  // listen changes current user. auth2.currentuser.listen(userchanged); 

you can date values

var issignedin = auth2.issignedin.get(); var currentuser = auth2.currentuser.get(); 

to strictly detect returning users can do:

var auth2 = gapi.auth2.init(config); auth2.then(function() {   // @ point initial authentication done.   var currentuser = auth2.currentuser.get(); }); 

when comes code do:

auth2 = gapi.auth2.init(config); auth2.currentuser.listen(onuserchange); auth2.attachclickhandler(element, {}); 

this way changes in sign-in state passed onuserchange (this includes returning users, new sign-ins attachclickhandler, new sign-ins different tab).


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