ruby on rails - Submitting form in capybara -

i have form i'm testing capybara. once have spec fill in fields in form, have hit submit button. on submit, i'm getting error says following:

failure/error: click_button 'submit contact information'      actionview::template::error:        no route matches {:action=>"create", :controller=>"information_forms", :lender_id=>"2293"} missing required keys: [] 

the form code looks following:

<%= form_for @lenderinformationform, url: lender_lender_information_form_path(@user) |f| %>     <%= f.submit "submit contact information", 'data-disable-with' => "please wait..", :class => "btn-u btn-u btn-block margin-bottom-20", :type => "submit", :id => "skyformbutton" %> <% end %> 

the spec:

before :each   user = factorygirl.create(:lender, :email => "")   login_as(user) end  "completes lender information form"   click_button 'submit contact information' end 

i can complete form in browser when manually, there seems issue submit button in capybara spec.


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