javascript - Highcharts Control Basic DrilDown Using Dom -

i have answer of previous question on how use dom drilldown , @ this post. found simple , easy understand version of highcharts.js @ here can see code more clear understand.

now can please let me know how enable buttons drilldown , in this demo?

$(function () {     var chart;     function drawchart1() {         chart = new highcharts.chart({             chart: {                 renderto: 'container',                 type: 'column'             },             title: {                 text: 'basic drilldown'             },             subtitle: {                 text: 'source:'             },             xaxis: {                 type: 'category'             },             legend: {                 enabled: false             },              credits: {                 enabled: false             },             yaxis: {                 title: {                     text: 'total percent market share'                 }             },             plotoptions: {                 series: {                     borderwidth: 0,                     datalabels: {                         enabled: true                     }                 }             },             series: [{                 name: 'things',                 colorbypoint: true,                 data: [{                     name: 'animals',                     y: 5,                     drilldown: 'animals'                 }, {                     name: 'fruits',                     y: 2,                     drilldown: 'fruits'                 }]             }],             drilldown: {                 series: [{                     id: 'animals',                     data: [                         ['cats', 4],                         ['dogs', 2],                         ['cows', 1],                         ['sheep', 2],                         ['pigs', 1]                     ]                 }, {                     id: 'fruits',                     data: [                         ['apples', 4],                         ['oranges', 2]                     ]                 }]             }         });          $("#animals").on("click", function () {             $(this).addclass('disabled');             $("#overview").removeclass('disabled');         });         $("#fruits").on("click", function () {             $(this).addclass('disabled');             $("#overview").removeclass('disabled');         });         $("#overview").on("click", function () {             $(this).addclass('disabled');             $("#animals").removeclass('disabled');             $("#fruits").removeclass('disabled');         });     }     drawchart1();  }); 

well, not part of api, noticed, drill up, need call chart.drillup(). drilldown, it's bit different , depends want drilldown.

in short call method: chart.xaxis[0].drilldowncategory(category_index);, see:

however, there 1 limitation: can't drilldown second level of a, second level of b. first need drill up, drilldown second level.


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