ruby on rails - Nginx Unicorn AngularJS html5 URLs configuration -

i want add pretty urls in angular ui-router. have nginx + unicorn on rails app angular js front-end.

i want have pretty urls mysite/a/b/c, no '#' , no hashbang. when change location of nginx to:

server {     server_name;     root /path/to/app;      location / {         try_files $uri $uri/ @unicorn;     } } 

unicorn throw error:

directory index of "/path/to/app" forbidden

any idea on how setup nginx redirect? giving chmod app path isn't solution believe..

edit: issue try_files $uri/index @unicorn, works e.g. when refresh, automatically redirects me root ui-router suggests try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html, when access denied nginx. folder /path/to/app belongs user 'deploy', it's not chmod issue..

finally solved it! mistake, because running app angular forgot in rails routes.rb file line:

get '*path' => '/' 


get '*path' => 'layouts#index'  

where layouts#index layout angular, , after refreshing url stays , renders appropriate route.

at nginx config remained:

location /{     try_files $uri @unicorn; } 


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