Exception trying to post a link on Facebook page using grahp API for PHP -

i've searched among other questions here on stackoverflow , on other websites, couldn't find solution, because seems fb changes authentication method, old solutions no more valid.
i'm using sdk4 , code have @ moment

facebooksession::setdefaultapplication($app_id, $app_secret);  $session = facebooksession::newappsession();  try {     $session->validate(); } catch (facebookrequestexception $ex) {     echo $ex->getmessage(); } catch (\exception $ex) {     echo $ex->getmessage(); }  if($session) {     try {         $response = (new facebookrequest(             $session, 'post', '/me/feed', array(                 'link' => 'www.mysite.it',                 'message' => 'some text'             )         ))->execute()->getgraphobject();         echo "posted id: " . $response->getproperty('id');     } catch(facebookrequestexception $e) {         echo "exception occured, code: " . $e->getcode() .               " message: " . $e->getmessage();     } } 

i message:

"exception occured, code: 2500 message: active access token must used query information current user."

given message, session correctly created , validated, problem on execute() method, how fix it?

it looks you've created session app, post on users behalf need access token said user , call

$this->facebook = new facebooksession($access_token); 


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