javascript - Hide referrer header in API request -

i need make requests google translate text-to-speech api. have enabled key keep getting blocked no access-control-allow-origin.

i've posted more here:

google translate api - no access control origin text speech

the following sources, , request google text-to-speech api

google returns 404 error if http request contains referer header other empty string.

given request like:

    $.get(''+mykey+'&ie=utf-8&tl=en&q=hello+world',         function (returned_data) { 

how hide or remove referrer header i'm not blocked?

this source says put in front. changed to:


and still blocked.

server-side attempt: no response.

this blog provides server-side script sets referrer empty string. says:

this gets information access point , spits out right away. before requests data using file_get_contents, referer header set empty string.


$qs = http_build_query(array("ie" => "utf-8","tl" => $_get["tl"], "q" => $_get["q"])); $ctx = stream_context_create(array("http"=>array("method"=>"get","header"=>"referer: \r\n"))); $soundfile = file_get_contents("".$qs, false, $ctx);  header("content-type: audio/mpeg"); header("content-transfer-encoding: binary"); header('pragma: no-cache'); header('expires: 0');  echo($soundfile); 

index.php (root):

<audio controls="controls" autoplay="autoplay" style="display:none;">             <source src="/php/testphp.php?translate_tts?tl=en&q=the%20brown%20fox%20jumped%20over%20the%20lazy%20dog." type="audio/mpeg" /> </audio> 

tail -f apache error logs:

php notice: undefined index: tl in /users/myname/sites/app/melonjs-dev/testphp.php on line 4, referer: http://melon.localhost/

php warning: file_get_contents( failed open stream: http request failed! http/1.0 404 not found\r\n in /users/myname/sites/app/melonjs-dev/testphp.php on line 6, referer: http://melon.localhost

tail -f access log: shows tl param getting passed in 200:

get /testphp.php?translate_tts?tl=en&q=the%20brown%20fox%20jumped%20over%20the%20lazy%20dog http/1.1" 200 -

jsonp attempt: thought perhaps wrapping return object in <script> solve issue. no response.

    $.ajax({         url: ''+key+'&ie=utf-8&tl=zh-cn&q=你好',             type: 'get',             datatype: 'jsonp',             error: function(xhr, status, error) {             alert("error");         },         success: function(json) {             alert("success");         }         }); 

html/js text-to-speech attempt: 404 block


    <script>         $(function() {             $('a.say').on('click', function(e) {                 e.preventdefault();                 var text = $('input[name="text"]').val();                 text = encodeuricomponent(text);                 console.log(text);                 //var url = '' + text;                 var url = '' + text + '&tl=en';                 $('audio').attr('src', url).get(0).play();             });         });     </script> 


    <input type="text" name="text">     <a href="#" class="say">say it</a>      <audio src="" class="speech" hidden></audio> 

following tutorial:

why php script failing:

if take @ error response php:

php warning: file_get_contents( 

you'll notice url file_get_contents requesting not contain tl parameter. causing 404 returned. can visit page directly in browser:

the above returns 404 response :(

but after add nice new shiny tl=en parameter, works :).


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