ios - Change Icon Color Tab Bar Controller-SWIFT -

i working in xcode 6 swift , have been able change color of text on tab bar controller, cannot color change on icons themselves. code below in appdelegate:

func application(application: uiapplication, didfinishlaunchingwithoptions launchoptions: [nsobject: anyobject]?) -> bool {      uitabbaritem.appearance().settitletextattributes([nsforegroundcolorattributename: uicolor(red: 239/255, green: 64/255, blue: 54/255, alpha: 1.0)], forstate: .selected)     uitabbaritem.appearance().settitletextattributes([nsforegroundcolorattributename: uicolor.whitecolor()], forstate: .normal) 

i have separate class navigation controller change text , color.

you need set image on tab bar item uiimage renderingmode = uiimagerenderingmode.alwaystemplate

then can set tintcolor on  uitabbar change color of icons , text simultaneously. should still able override text appearance selectors have created though.

if recall, uitabbar should set renderingmode automatically, try setting tintcolor first.


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