php - Custom URL Helper redirect with get method -

on codeigniter application/helper/my_url_helper able add '?&route=' . $uri able use '?&route=' after index.php before first folder / function.

but every time click on link url changes page stays same?

question: on helper how can add '?&route=' . $uri make still redirect page each time when click on link url changes page stays same?


url http://localhost/project/admin/?&route=common/dashboard

i have tried routes , same issue.

<?php  if ( ! function_exists('redirect')) { function redirect($uri = '', $method = 'auto', $code = null) {     //if ( ! preg_match('#^(\w+:)?//#i', $uri))     //{         $uri = site_url('?&route=' . $uri);     //}      // iis environment likely? use 'refresh' better compatibility     if ($method === 'auto' && isset($_server['server_software']) && strpos($_server['server_software'], 'microsoft-iis') !== false)     {         $method = 'refresh';     }     elseif ($method !== 'refresh' && (empty($code) or ! is_numeric($code)))     {         if (isset($_server['server_protocol'], $_server['request_method']) && $_server['server_protocol'] === 'http/1.1')         {             $code = ($_server['request_method'] !== 'get')                 ? 303   // reference:                 : 307;         }         else         {             $code = 302;         }     }      switch ($method)     {         case 'refresh':             header('refresh:0;url='.$uri);             break;         default:             header('location: '.$uri, true, $code);             break;     }     exit; } } 


options +followsymlinks options -indexes directoryindex index.php rewriteengine on rewritecond $1 !^(index\.php|images|robots\.txt) rewritecond %{request_filename} !-f rewritecond %{request_filename} !-d rewriterule ^(.*)$ index.php/$1 [l,qsa] 


version of codeigniter using 3

in config use

tried with

$config['uri_protocol'] = 'request_uri';


$config['uri_protocol'] = 'query_string';

but saying page not found?

page there though.

also "common" folder

and "dashboard" controller

all controllers have first letter upper case dashboard.php

note: have tried enable query strings on config.php not work way after.

first steps had solve was

in routes.php

$get_route_method = 'route='; $route[$get_route_method . 'common/dashboard'] = "common/dashboard/index"; 

seems work fine when manually added route in application/config/route.php

then in my_url_helper in application/helper.php $uri = site_url('index.php?route=' . $uri);

<?php  if ( ! function_exists('redirect')) { function redirect($uri = '', $method = 'auto', $code = null) {     if ( ! preg_match('#^(\w+:)?//#i', $uri))     {         $uri = site_url('index.php?route=' . $uri);     }      // iis environment likely? use 'refresh' better compatibility     if ($method === 'auto' && isset($_server['server_software']) && strpos($_server['server_software'], 'microsoft-iis') !== false)     {         $method = 'refresh';     }     elseif ($method !== 'refresh' && (empty($code) or ! is_numeric($code)))     {         if (isset($_server['server_protocol'], $_server['request_method']) && $_server['server_protocol'] === 'http/1.1')         {             $code = ($_server['request_method'] !== 'get')                 ? 303   // reference:                 : 307;         }         else         {             $code = 302;         }     }      switch ($method)     {         case 'refresh':             header('refresh:0;url='.$uri);             break;         default:             header('location: '.$uri, true, $code);             break;     }     exit; } } 


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