c++ - QODBCResult::exec: Unable to execute statement: "[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]COUNT field incorrect or syntax error -

i error when try call stored procedure in qt using qodbc:

qodbcresult::exec: unable execute statement: "[microsoft][odbc sql server driver]count field incorrect or syntax error

amount of parameters correct, syntax looks alright me. procedure executes fine in management studio. might problem?

qsqlquery query(db1); query.exec("select * teachers"); //test query tablewidget *table = ui->tablewidget; (int = 0; < table->rowcount(); i++) {         qcombobox *combo = static_cast<qcombobox*>(table->cellwidget(i,0));     qdebug() << query.prepare("{call add_syllabus_line (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}");     query.bindvalue("teacher_name", teachername);     query.bindvalue("subject_name", "????");     query.bindvalue("temporary_name", ratingname);     query.bindvalue("type_name", combo->currenttext());     query.bindvalue("activity_name", table->item(i, 1)->text());     query.bindvalue("min_score", table->item(i, 2)->text().toint());     if (propertiesinstance.fixed) query.bindvalue("max_score", 0);     else query.bindvalue("max_score", table->item(i, 3)->text().toint());     query.bindvalue("max_score_exists", propertiesinstance.fixed);     query.bindvalue("evaluation_by_exam", propertiesinstance.exam);      if (!query.exec())     {        qdebug() << query.lasterror();     } } 

the procedure:

alter procedure [dbo].[add_syllabus_line]   @teacher_name nvarchar(50), @subject_name nvarchar(50), @temporary_name nvarchar(50), @type_name nvarchar(50), @activity_name nvarchar(50), @min_score int, @max_score int, @max_score_exists bit, @evaluation_by_exam bit  begin set nocount on;  declare @teacher_id int; declare @subject_id int;  declare @type_id int;   select @teacher_id = teacher_id teachers teacher_name = @teacher_name; select @type_id = activity_type_id activity_types activity_type_name = @type_name; select @subject_id = subject_id subjects subject_name = @subject_name;  insert syllabi (teacher_id,                      subject_id,                      temporary_name,                     activity_type_id,                     activity_title,                     activity_min_score,                     activity_max_score,                     max_score_exists,                     evaluation_by_exam) values (@teacher_id,                                                 @subject_id,                                                 @temporary_name,                                                 @type_id,                                                 @activity_name,                                                 @min_score,                                                 @max_score,                                                 @max_score_exists,                                                 @evaluation_by_exam); end 

query.prepare returns true.

i run profiler trace , query doesn't shows there, test one.

select 504,c.name,c.description,c.definition master.dbo.syscharsets c c.id = convert(tinyint, databasepropertyex ( db_name() , 'sqlcharset')) go

exec sp_datatype_info 11 go

set quoted_identifier on go

declare @p1 int set @p1=180150003
declare @p3 int
set @p3=8 declare @p4 int set @p4=1 declare @p5 int set @p5=3 exec sp_cursoropen @p1 output,n'select * teachers',@p3 output,@p4 output,@p5 output select @p1, @p3, @p4, @p5

exec sp_cursorclose 180150003 go

other ensuring exact syntax being passed sql server using either profiler trace or extended events, dbcc inputbuffer etc, table being inserted have trigger might interfering?


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