Batch file runs on local desktop but not on file server -

i new .bat files have been working on process 2 days. simple , works fine on desktop (thanks code snippet found on internet), when try run through shared drive on our file server, processing not occur.

@echo off rem  batch file process daily flat file , replace " empty space upload access/sql server  ren c:\users\desktop\filejuly17.txt filequotes.txt  /f "tokens=* delims= " %%a in (c:\users\desktop\filequotes.txt) (     set s=%%a     set s=!s:"=!     >> c:\users\desktop\finalfile.txt echo.!s! ) 

i have had switch ren copy on file server, have verified can copy 1 file using process. assured have path correctly. however, no matter options have tried, unable have batch file strip out double quotes randomly in file user entry. need strip these out , replace them empty spaces in order have data migration process load flat file our database.

thank guidance.

if helps, laptop running on windows 7, server remote connect running on windows server 2008.


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