c++ - Multiple client and single server handling -

will approach work?

i gonna present code in simplified form easier readability. trying implement multiple client/one tcp server.

my listener loop this(as thread) handles connections

void waitandacceptconnection(){       if(socket_temp = accept(sock_listen, (sockaddr*)&address, &addresssize))     {          socketsmanager.push_back(socket_temp);         currcount++;          std::cout<<"\n  connection found!"<<std::endl;            send(socketsmanager[currcount], "welcome! have connected athena server", 46,null);      //  cond.notify_one();                                  //notify waiting thread       }   } 

wherein have..

std::vector<socket> socketsmanager;  //handles socket int currcount=-1; //keep track on number of connections 

if client connected currcount increased one, in our case it's gonna currcount = 0 , socketsmanager[0] store accept's return. if 1 connected currcount = 1 socketsmanager[1] handler.

for sending , receiving data.

i gonna make loop continue on iterating check if there recv'd data(-1 or 0) every sockets being handled program.

void waitandacceptcommands(){ for(int = 0; i<= currcount;i++){       int result = recv(socketsmanager[i],&command,1,0);     if(result ==-1){      }        else if(result == 0){                                     }       else{     //process commands     } } } 

main this

athena ath2;     //instance of server   std::cout<<"\n >waiting incoming connections..."<<std::endl;  //listener thread, keep on looping std::thread connectionthread([&](){     while(1){      ath2.waitandacceptconnection();      } });    //handles inputs, keep on looping std::thread commandsthread([&](){     while(1){          ath2.waitandacceptcommands();     } });  connectionthread.join();    //stop  commandsthread.join();      //stop  

i gladly show rest of code in complete mess right now. wanted present idea if work , continue on it, if not reconsider method. plan on handling connections through timeouts if ever have drop socket std::vector<socket> socketsmanager; using remove. method? if not issues?

i see couple of problems you're doing:

  1. you're pushing socketsmanager vector indefinitely. won't long before run out of memory / file descriptors.
  2. protect access socketsmanager lock, else can have race condition.

one way use event loop:

  • have 1 or more threads doing i/o.
  • each i/o thread operates on list of open sockets.
  • it uses select() or poll() figure out socket amongst set operating on has data available. invokes necessary callbacks data read.
  • processing data handled worker threads. callback invoked 1 of worker thread processes data.

references: http://instagram-engineering.tumblr.com/post/121930298932/c-futures-at-instagram (see non-blocking io section)


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