scala - Running a sub-project main class -

i have built.sbt references child project's main class own main class:

lazy val akka = (project in file("."))   .aggregate(api)   .dependson(api)   .enableplugins(javaapppackaging)  lazy val api = project in file("api")  scalaversion := "2.11.6"  // referencing api code  mainclass in (compile, run) := some("maslow.akka.cluster.node.clusternode")  artifactname := { (sv: scalaversion, module: moduleid, artifact: artifact) =>   s"""${}.${artifact.extension}""" }  name in universal := name.value  packagename in universal := name.value 

however, each time run sbt run following error:

> run [info] updating {file:/users/mark/dev/maslow-akka/}api... [info] resolving jline#jline;2.12.1 ... [info] done updating. [info] updating {file:/users/mark/dev/maslow-akka/}akka... [info] resolving jline#jline;2.12.1 ... [info] done updating. [info] running maslow.akka.cluster.node.clusternode [error] (run-main-0) java.lang.classnotfoundexception: maslow.akka.cluster.node.clusternode java.lang.classnotfoundexception: maslow.akka.cluster.node.clusternode     @ java.lang.classloader.findclass( 

as i've been doing research problem, first switched project api akka , opened console. there, can't find maslow package though exists. after that, went api folder , ran sbt console , accessed aforementioned package fine. after this, sbt run akka project works. why?

the folder api pulled in via git read-tree. there shouldn't special it. i'm using sbt 0.13.5

i think in multi-project build global line such as

mainclass in (compile, run) := ... 

will swallowed without consequences, doesn't refer project.

probably following works:

mainclass in (compile, run) in thisbuild := ... 

or add root project's settings:

lazy val akka = (project in file("."))   .aggregate(api)   .dependson(api)   .enableplugins(javaapppackaging)   .settings(     mainclass in (compile, run) := ...   ) 


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