php - ical event showing up in outlook email as "not supported calendar message.ics" -

we upgraded our php server 5.3.3 lower version. before this, had program sent out calendar event accepted or declined receiver of email. after upgrade email gives event attachment no ability accept event. shows attachment "not supported calendar message.ics."

i have included code has worked couple of years. great.

if ($dept)          {              while ($deptrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($dept))              {                  //$attendees .= "\r\nattendee; cn=".$deptrow['emp_name'].";role=req-participant;rsvp=false:mailto:".$deptrow['emp_email'];                  $attendees .= "\r\nattendee; cn=organizer;role=req-participant;";                  //$email .= ",".$deptrow['emp_email'];                  $email .= ",";              }          }                    $from_name = $supname;          $from_address = $supemail;          $subject = $toname." - a/l"; //doubles email subject , meeting subject in calendar                 //create mime boundry          $mime_boundary = "----meeting booking----".md5(time());                 //create email headers          $headers = "from: ".$from_name." <".$from_address.">\n";          $headers .= "reply-to: ".$from_name." <".$from_address.">\n";                 $headers .= "mime-version: 1.0\n";          $headers .= "content-type: multipart/alternative; boundary=\"$mime_boundary\"\n";          $headers .= "content-class: urn:content-classes:calendarmessage\n";                 //create email body (html)          $message = "--$mime_boundary\n";          $message .= "content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8\n";          $message .= "content-transfer-encoding: 8bit\n\n";                 $message .= "<html>\n";          $message .= "<body>\n";          $message .= '<p>'.$toname.',</p>';          $message .= "<p>has been <b>".$status."</b> following annual leave:";          $message .= "<br /><br />start date: <b>".date('m j/y',$startdate)."</b>";          $message .= "<br />end date: <b>".date('m j/y',$enddate)."</b>";          $message .= "<br /><br />the request consists of <b>".$reqal."</b> days of a/l , <b>".$reqcomp."</b> hours of comp. time.  please accept add calendar.</p>";          $message .= "</body>\n";          $message .= "</html>\n";          $message .= "--$mime_boundary\n";                 $ical =    'begin:vcalendar  version:2.0  prodid:-//microsoft corporation//outlook 11.0 mimedir//en  method:request  begin:vtimezone  tzid:america/edmonton  begin:standard  dtstart:16011104t020000  rrule:freq=yearly;byday=1su;bymonth=11  tzoffsetfrom:-0600  tzoffsetto:-0700  end:standard  begin:daylight  dtstart:16010311t020000  rrule:freq=yearly;byday=2su;bymonth=3  tzoffsetfrom:-0700  tzoffsetto:-0600  end:daylight  end:vtimezone  begin:vevent  '.$attendees.'  uid:'.date('ymd').'t'.date('his')."-".rand()."".'  dtstamp:'.date("ymd\this").'  dtstart:'.date('ymd',$startdate).'t'.date('his',$startdate).'  dtend:'.date('ymd',$enddate).'t'.date('his',($enddate+86399)).'  location:annual leave  transp:transparent  sequence:0  description:'.$reqal.' days of a/l , '.$reqcomp.' hours of comp time.  summary:'.$subject.'  priority:5  status:confirmed  class:public  end:vevent  end:vcalendar';                   $message .= "content-type: text/calendar;name=\"meeting.ics\";method=request\n;component=\"vevent\";";          $message .= "content-transfer-encoding: 8bit\n\n";      $message .= "content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable\n\n";          $message .= $ical;                      print_r($ical);                           //send mail          $mail_sent = @mail( $email, $subject, $message, $headers );


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