javascript - AngularJS: Why does $element.find('option') return an empty array when using ng-options? -

in angular 1.4, using ngoptions directive populate <select> tag <option> tags based on object looks this:

{black: '#000000', red: '#ff0000', ...} 

that works fine using ng-options="value key (key, value) in vm.colors", want add class each option tag matches key (e.g. '.black', '.red'). thought find option elements , use addclass(), i'm having trouble getting elements. (note: i'm not using jquery , avoid adding this.)

here jsfiddle.

i expect able bind results of $element.find('option') view model , watch using $scope.$watch('vm.options', function() {...}), when log vm.options console seeing empty array.

am using $scope.$watch incorrectly here? issue $element? elements within scope of ngoptions unreachable controller? or making stupid mistake?

any appreciated...thanks in advance!

the docs pretty clear dom manipulation should done in directive. use rule of thumb: if find myself wanting or needing use angular.element, need directive.

in case, can use built in ngstyle directive:

(function() {      'use strict';            var hexcolors = {          black : '#000000',          red   : '#ff0000',          green : '#00ff00',          blue  : '#0000ff'      };            angular.module('sandbox', [])          .constant('hexcolors', hexcolors)          .controller('sandboxcontroller', sandboxcontroller)      ;            function sandboxcontroller($element, $scope) {          var vm = this;          vm.colors = hexcolors;          vm.selected = '#000000';               }        })();
<script src="//"></script>    <div ng-app="sandbox" ng-controller="sandboxcontroller vm">      <select ng-model="vm.selected" ng-options="value key (key, value) in vm.colors"></select>      <p ng-style="{'background-color': vm.selected, color: 'white'}">hex: {{ vm.selected }}</p>  </div>


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