scala - What's the type of a class inside an object inside a trait -

this problem of pattern matching inside recieve of akka actor.

i have code:

class actorreservation(reservation: reservation) extends actor {   import entry._   import customer._    def receive: actor.receive = messages    def messages: receive = {     case entry.get.result(obj) => // process entry      case customer.get.result(obj) => // process customer   }    def test: receive = {     case e =>       println(s"classname -> ${e.getclass.getname}")       println(s"isinstanceof[genericmessages#get] -> ${isinstanceof[genericmessages[appany]#get]}")   } }  object entry extends genericmessages[entryentity] object customer extends genericmessages[customerentity]  trait genericmessages[a <: appany] {   case class get(id: int)   object { case class result(obj: option[a]) } } //trait  trait appany case class entryentity(id: int) extends appany case class customerentity(id: int) extends appany 

my actor receive 2 messages: entry.get.result, customer.get.result, when receives first 1 goes find, when second arrives throws , exception customer can cast entry, because second messages been caught first case.

then change receive with

  def receive: actor.receive = test 

both message shows same class name genericmessages$get$result, thats why both messages falls in first case.

i try create generic case both messages genericmessages#get makes references class get inside genericmessages instead of object get.

so, question is: there way reference result class inside get object of genericmessages trait? there way make case avoid pattern match problem?

additional information: real actor implementation of generic actor because need same behavior in other actors.

the messages entry.get.result, customer.get.result responses of previous message send same actor (anotheractor ! customer.get) , implemented in way because prefer parallel calls linear calls. linear solution have 1 method receive first message use become change receive , process second message. want avoid linear approach because 1. prefer parallel process , 2. breaks abstraction made.

there 1 solution (which ugly): make entry , customer classes:

case class entry() extends genericmessages[entryentity] case class customer() extends genericmessages[customerentity] 

then create entry , customer instance:

val entry = entry() val customer = customer() 

and pass them parameters actorreservation actor (and anybidy needs it). create , match this:

entry.get.result customer.get.result 

but bad design.

i suggest avoiding generics when working actors. type erasure becomes problem when need match types @ runtime. if you, redo design.


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